Asset: Select the computer in which the software you wish to search is installed.
ID #: Enter the ID # of the computer in which the software you wish to search is installed.
Name: Enter the name of the computer in which the software you wish to search is installed.
Asset status: Expand the list and check the options that correspond to the possible steps in which the asset (computer) may be: Verification, Calibration, Maintenance, Disabled, Available, Usage event, Maintenance event or Calibration event. Use the other buttons next to the field to check all available options and clear the checked options.
Object status: Expand the list and check the options corresponding to the possible status of the record of the computer in which the software that will be viewed is installed.
Serial number: Enter the serial number of the computer in which the software that will be viewed is installed.
Specification: Expand the list and check the options corresponding to the possible specification of the computer in which the software that will be viewed is installed.
Responsible team: Select the responsible team for the computer in which the software that will be viewed is installed.
Warranty: Select the date range that covers the warranty period of the computer in which the software that will be viewed is installed.
Purchase dt.: Select the date range that covers the period in which the computer in which the software that will be viewed is installed was purchased by the organization.
Gage owner: In the Type field, select the desired option to locate computers from the organization (internal) or from another organization (third-party) or both. If the "External" option is selected, in the respective field, select the Company that owns the asset.
Condition: Use the fields in this section to locate computers under determined condition associated with verification, maintenance or calibration activities. To do that, enter the ID # and the name of the asset condition or select the desired condition.
Location: Use the fields in this section to locate computers that belong to a certain location, associated with verification, maintenance, or calibration activities of assets that belong to a certain location or that are with a certain user.
Dept. using gage: Select the department in which the computer in which the software you wish to view is installed is used. Use the other buttons next to the field to fill it with the logged-in user data and clear it.