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Starting a verification activity

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To start a verification activity, first, locate and select the verification plan that will run. Then, in the third quadrant, locate the verifications whose status is "To be started", which are identified by the icon in the S column.


After that, click on the button to open the verification data in edit mode. The edit button will only be enabled if the verification is not set for a specific user. If the verification is set for any team member and a user is set to be responsible, the system displays an alert asking if you wish to associate the activity with your own user.


In the General data General data section, fill in the fields related to the verification execution:



Execution: Enter the data related to the start of the verification activity execution:

Start: Enter the start date of the verification.

Time: Enter the start time of the verification.

Actual %: Enter how much percent of the verification has already been performed. The system only considers the activity as started when this field is filled in with a value between 1 and 99. If this field is filled in with 100%, the activity execution will be finished.

Responsible technician

Service center: Select the service center responsible for performing the verification of the assets of this activity.

Responsible technician: Select the technician responsible for performing the verification of the assets of this activity. Only the technicians of the service center selected previously will be available for selection.


Save the verification data. At this point, the verification status will change to the "Execution" step.


Check the activities defined for the verification and execute them as well. The other sections of the verification may be filled in. See the Programming verifications section for details of how to fill these sections out.