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Timesheet (No integration)

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When the integration with SE Time Control is not configured, the technician timesheet must be entered using the Technician allocation feature. To do that, in the data screen of the verification activity (in progress), go to the "Resources Technician" section, select the desired technician and click on the button. The following screen will display:





Corresponds to the programmed period for the execution of the activity, in the verification planning step. It is worth remembering that it will not be possible to enter time in this period.


Corresponds to the period of execution of the verification activity. In this period, it will be possible to create the timesheet since it corresponds to the days on which the activity was in execution. The period is formed by the start date (C) of the verification execution until the current date (D).


Execution start date of the verification activity. This date is entered in the General data of the verification activity.


Current date (today). Remember that it is not possible to enter time to dates after the current date.