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Executing an audit

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See how to execute an audit:


This section describes the most important options and configurations for the execution of an audit, given that the planning screen has practically the same fields as the execution screen with a few differences. Therefore, to view the description of the other fields and sections, refer to the Editing audit data section.


1.In the list of records on main screen, select the desired audit.


2.After that, click on the arrow located next to the button and select the Record data option.


The execution of a task through SE GanttChart will not be approached in this section. For more details on the execution of a task through SE GanttChart, refer to the specific documentation of the SE Project component.


3.If the record selected in step 1 is an audit project, at this point, the data screen of the corresponding task will be opened. Use the set of "Task" columns in the main screen list of records to identify the project task. Refer to the "Edit task in progress" section of the specific documentation of the SE Project component for a detailed description on how to fill out the fields in the task data screen.


4.If the record selected in step 1 is a requirement or risk and control plan audit, its data screen will be opened. Notice that most of the fields on the screen will be filled with the data entered in the planning of the audit, and some will be available for editing by the executor:


The image refers to a requirement audit, but the screen of a risk and control plan audit is similar.

The image refers to a requirement audit, but the screen of a risk and control plan audit is similar.


5.In the General data Schedule tab, the start and end dates and the number of actual hours used in the execution step must be entered. Without completing these fields, the audit will not be able to proceed to the next step in its flow.

Click on this button to access the risk and control plan scope structure screen to perform its evaluation. Refer to the Evaluating objects in the working paper section for a detailed description about the audit criterion structure.

Click on this button to view the results of the audit selected in the list of records. See more details in the Audit evaluation result section. This button will only be available if its category has been configured with scope with result permission enabled.


6.Use the Working paper section to evaluate the requirements/objects that will be audited. See further details about this operation in the Evaluating objects in the working paper section.


7.In the Survey section, it is possible to associate surveys previously created in the SE Survey component with the audit working paper. The surveys are associated as evidence for the audit and do not replace the structure and the evaluation in the working paper.


To do that, use the following buttons on the right side of the screen:

Click on this button to associate a survey that was previously created in the system with the audit.

Click on this button to disassociate the survey selected in the list of records.


8.After filling out the required data, click on the Save and exit button. At this point, the system will ask if you wish to send the audit to the next configured step (Approval, Closure) or close its execution, if this is the last defined step.