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Viewing a customer

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SE Customer has search tools with search filters that allow finding the desired record in a more specific way. These searches can be performed in several SE Customer menus, varying according to the system menu and the object being searched.


In View Customer, it will be possible to search for customers in viewing mode, to create analyses in SE Analytics, and to generate reports about them.


To use the search filters, access the respective menu in the search filters on the left side of the screen and click on the button. The following filters will be available for the search:



Allows locating customers through general information such as ID #, name, or record status (enabled or disabled).



Allows locating customers through data of the attributes associated with the customer. In this case, click on Add attribute and select the attribute, the operator, and a value contained in the attribute, and click on Apply to perform the search.


Related links:


Quick search and Full text search

Search filters

Saved searches