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Importing a recognition profile

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SE Capture allows importing a recognition profile from a file, in order to make the configuration of the records easier.


Step 1

Obtain the file with the .secap extension from the recognition profile that the file to be created from the import will be based on. To do that, select the desired profile on the list of records on the main screen and click on More .


Step 2

To perform the import, click on More . On the screen that will open, fill out the following fields:



Select file

Click on the button and, on the screen that will open, browse the files saved in the computer and select the .secap that will be imported.

Recognition profile type

Click on the button next to the field and on the screen that will open, locate and select the type that will classify the recognition profile created from the import.


Next, click on the Import option at the bottom part of the screen.


Step 3

The following fields will be displayed:



ID #

Displays the ID # of the recognition profile from which the import is being performed, and it is possible to edit it. In that case, enter a number or code to identify the profile created from the import.

Profile name

Displays the name of the recognition profile from which the import is being performed, and it is possible to edit it. In that case, enter a name to identify the profile created from the import.


Click on the Finish button to perform the import. The system will issue an alert informing if the profile was created successfully or if there were errors in the import. If the profile was created successfully, it will be displayed on the main screen list of records.


Use the Previous button at the bottom of the screen to return to the previous step of the import (step 02) and perform the necessary changes.