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Knowledge base



Use this menu to record the articles of a knowledge base. Articles can be displayed according to the language of the logged user and they use the rich text component, which allows for an easy-to-read, flexible content, with text formatting, images and links. By configuring a base language, it is possible to define in which language an article will preferably be displayed if the article data is not available in the language of the logged user.


Specific buttons:


Click on this button to create an article in a knowledge base. See more details on these options in the Article creation section.


Click on this button to:

Edit an article;

Create a revision to an article. See more details on these options in the Article revision section;

Translate an article. See more details on these options in the Article translation section.


Click on this button to delete an article created in the system. Select the desired record and click on this button.


Click on this button to view the data of the article selected on the main screen.


Click on the arrow next to this button to export the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configure a new report or associate an existing report, or search the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.


Click on this button to define a validity date for the article or check it as obsolete.


Click on this button to share the article link externally, without the need to access a portal. If the base to which the article belongs has been defined with the "All" permission, by enabling the "Make public" option, any user, even external or guest users, may access the article in the selected language. This button will be enabled only for current revisions.