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Article revision

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The revision of an article is created through the "File arrowrgray Article" menu. Select the desired record and click on the edit button. The article data screen will be displayed in view mode. The way to edit the content of the article varies according to the revision method configured in the knowledge base in which the article is created:

Simplified revision: The Enable editing button will be displayed. It will be possible to create a new version, without the changes affecting the current version.

ISO9000 based revision: The "Add new revision" button will be displayed. After the creation confirmation, the Article revision revision task will be created for the responsible parties.


In the Revision section, the following subsections will be available according to the configured revision process:




After filling in all the necessary fields, save the record. At this point, the revision will be sent to the due responsible parties for them to execute the configured steps. If the creator of the revision is also the drafter, the options to execute the step will be displayed in the data screen toolbar.