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Comparing revisions

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In the Planning step of SE Risk, in the Plan template and Planning menus, it is possible to compare revisions of the structure of the same risk plan or template. See how to perform comparisons:



On the list of records of the main screen, select the desired risk plan/template for comparison.



Click on the More button on the toolbar.



The following screen will be displayed:




On the upper part of the screen, check the desired options to filter the change types you wish to view, both for the Risk and for the risk Control. Then, click on the Generate data button.



At this point, the structure of the revisions and their respective changes will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Browse the options to see more details about the desired options.



The "Merge" option, at the upper part of the screen, will be enabled when a risk plan and its template are being compared. In this case, it can be clicked to update the plan according to the differences between it and the template.