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Configuring the general parameters

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See how to configure the general parameters:




Unit cost auto fill

Select one of the following options to fill out the Unit cost field during the Input event:

Do not fill in: Requires the user to enter the value of the unit cost.

Fill with zero: The system fills the unit cost field with the value 0 (zero).

Fill with the cost value of the object data: The value of the unit cost will be filled with the values entered in the respective objects (supply, item or waste).

Fill with the unit value of the last object event: The unit cost will be filled with the value of the object entered on the last input event for the storeroom/storage location.

Storage place ID #

Allow repeating the ID # for the storage place/repository: By checking this field, the system will allow creating different locations with the same ID #.


Click on the save button to save the selected option.