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Designing a strategy map

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The strategy map design is divided according to the image displayed below. The alphabetical letters identify each available item:





The Toolbar displays the buttons that allow manipulating the strategy map. See the description of each button in the Toolbar section.


In the items panel, every item that may be used to design the strategy map is displayed. They are: round rectangle, circle, parallelogram, triangle, text, column, swimlane, connector and image. Use the View list option to return to the strategy map home screen.


In the Properties panels, the characteristics of the strategy map items are defined. See a detailed description of the item properties in the Properties section.


The items of the item panel must be dragged and dropped in this area to design the strategy map. When selecting an item of this area, it is possible to define its properties in the respective panel. Use the buttons of the lower panel to zoom in or zoom out on the strategy map, adjust its size to the screen or save it as an image.