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The options described in this section will only be valid if the Formula per period option is not enabled. It is divided in:




This section will not be available if the indicator classification is "Qualitative" or if the frequency is "Based on event". The fields may already be filled out if, when creating the indicator, formulas are set for it. The following fields are available:


Target: Click on the calculator_small button and, on the screen that will be opened, enter the desired formula to calculate the indicator target.


It is desired to obtain the target of the "COM011 - ROI" indicator from a vision of the number type from SE Analytics. To do this, use the NUMBER function of the Analytics option of the formula editor:

IF(ISNUM(ANALYTICS('ROI';'ROI target';'dtstart'))=FALSE)

    RETURN 0


    RETURN ANALYTICS('ROI';'ROI target';'dtstart')


For this type of formula to be applied to the target/measurement of the indicator, it is necessary to have an analysis with a vision of the type number previously created and configured in the SE Analytics component.


Accumulated target: If the indicator has an accumulation configured, click on the calculator_small button and, on the screen that will be opened, enter the desired formula to calculate the accumulated target of the indicator.


The indicator has an accumulated target set and it will be calculated by sum, but it is desired to obtain the average of the accumulated measurement values.

DYNAMICACCUMULATION('Accumulated target';'COM024';'Vertical';'Average';12)

"Vertical" accumulation is used when you want to consider only a quantity of indicator periods.


Accumulated target 2: If the indicator has a 2nd accumulation configured, click on the calculator_small button and, on the screen that will be opened, enter the desired formula to calculate the second accumulated target of the indicator.


The fields related to the "Target" must only be filled out if it has been defined that the indicator will have a target in the General tab.


Measurement: Click on the calculator_small button and, on the screen that will be opened, enter the desired formula to calculate the indicator measurement.


If you wish to add up the measurement of the "COM023 - Cost of the products sold" indicator with the measurement of the "COM016 - Operating expenses" indicator and subtract the measurement result of the "COM016 - Operating net revenue" indicator, to obtain the measurement of the "COM024 - Net profit":



Cumulative measurement: If the indicator has an accumulation configured, click on the calculator_small button and, on the screen that will be opened, enter the desired formula to calculate the cumulative measurement of the indicator.


The indicator has an accumulated target set and it will be calculated by sum, but it is desired to obtain the average of the accumulated measurement values.

DYNAMICACCUMULATION('Accumulated measurement';'COM024';'Horizontal';'Average';2)

The "Horizontal" accumulation is used when you wish to consider the years preceding the current year to calculate the indicator period.


Cumulative measurement 2: If the indicator has a 2nd accumulation configured, click on the calculator_small button and, on the screen that will be opened, enter the desired formula to calculate the second cumulative measurement of the indicator.


See the Formula editor section for a detailed description about the use of this resource. In the SE Performance section, the description of the specific formulas of the SE Performance component can be found.

If the indicator is multidimensional, with calculation defined through "Average" and the "Hereditary target" configured, only the "Target" field of this section will be available. In this case, configure the desired formula to obtain the indicator target. The configured formula will be copied to the indicator dimensions.


Additional field


In this section, the additional fields that may be used in the formulas of the indicator itself or its upper level indicator must be added. Up to 3 flex fields can be defined. Use the other buttons next to each field to select a previously recorded additional field, add a new additional field and clear the field.


On the column on the side, it is possible to configure formulas to define the value of the additional field and of its first and second accumulations. To do that, click on the calculator_small button next to each field. On the screen that will be opened, enter the desired formula.


To obtain the measurement of the "COM011 - ROI" indicator, it is desired to subtract the "Additional investment" additional field value for the measurement of the "COM025 - Gain obtained" indicator and divide the result by the value of the "Additional investment".

(INDICATOR('Measurement';'COM025')-INDICATOR('Additional field 1';'COM025'))/INDICATOR('Additional field 1';'COM025')