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Welcome to SoftExpert Supplier

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With complex supply chains, it is essential to have a tool that organizes and centers supplier information. SE Supplier allows viewing supplier data in a fast and easy way. It is also possible to associate the fundamental documents for releases and to revise the information whenever necessary.

SoftExpert Supplier offers tools that aid in meeting quality standards such as ISO9001, simplifying the creation of suppliers, optimizing company time, and gathering all partner information in a single location.


SE Supplier is divided in the following menus:



Configuration is composed of the menus that allow managing the attributes and the categories of suppliers and complex file containers. Moreover, it is possible to establish general parameterizations to be applied.



The File menu allows creating new suppliers or editing the existing records, allowing the user to associate them with other SE Suite objects and attach electronic files to them, among other operations.



This menu allows the user to view the suppliers recorded in the system. It is possible to use search filters to facilitate the search.


This manual will display the operations that can be performed through SE Supplier, grouped by their resources.


For a better understanding about the features of the SE Supplier component, access our Training Store and get the full online training.

If you are subscribed to the Infinity plan, which offers full access to courses, access the training of this component through the Infinity learning option in the Help center.


Main SE Supplier operations

Initial supplier configurations

Create a supplier

Configure files to be delivered by the supplier

Disable a supplier

View a disabled supplier

Reactivate a supplier