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Creating a new supplier

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New supplier records are added through the "File Supplier" menu.


To create a supplier, access the respective menu and click on the button on the main screen. See below the steps to configure the supplier:


First steps

On the screen that will be displayed, leave the "Create new supplier" option selected. Then, select a company type (SE Administration) to classify the record. At the bottom of the screen, select a category for the supplier.


Company attribute

This tab will only be displayed if at least one attribute is associated in the "Attribute" tab of the type that classifies the company. In that case, enter the value of the displayed attributes. Attributes that are required must necessarily, have their values filled out.


Supplier attribute

This tab will only be displayed if at least one attribute is associated in the "Attribute" tab of the category that classifies the supplier. In that case, enter the value of the displayed attributes. Attributes that are required must necessarily, have their values filled out.


Company data

Fill out the fields with general company information:

ID #: Enter a number or code to identify the company, or use the arrow next to this field to generate an automatic ID #. If the identification mask use has been configured in the category, when the automatic ID # is generated, the corresponding mask will be displayed. The ID # generated through the mask can only be edited if the "Enable ID # change" option is checked on the data screen of the company type.

Name: Enter a name for the company.

In the other fields, it is possible to enter more information about the supplier, such as location, contact information, websites etc.


Company contacts

This section will display the people that are contacts of the organization, as well as the external users of the organization that access the SE Suite external user portal. On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Add contact: Allows recording a person as a company contact.

Add as external user: Allows recording a person as a company contact and an SE Suite external user.

It allows editing the contact selected in the list of records.

It allows deleting the contact selected in the list of records. If the contact selected in the list of records is also an SE Suite external user, it will be necessary to remove their link in the External user (AD060) menu of the SE Administration component first. For further information on this operation, see the Deleting an external user section of the documentation of this component.



This step will display an overview of the created record. Through the Supplier data option, it is possible to perform the necessary edits.


Once the record is created, the supplier will also be registered as a company in SE Administration (AD009).



Related links:

Configuring a company type


Filling out attributes

Identification mask

Adding a contact

Adding a contact as an external user

Adding an external user

Deleting an external user