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Adding / Deleting columns

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To perform any changes to the workspace, access the "Management arrowrgray Workspace" menu, locate the desired workspace and click on the edit button; however, it is necessary for you to be a member of the Management team set in the workspace, or you will not have permission to edit the data.


Adding a column

After opening the workspace data screen, access the "Lanes" section and click on the "Add lane" button.

In the added lane, enter a Title and configure the minimum and maximum number of tasks to be displayed in the lane. Then, define the steps that will be mapped in the new lane and/or redistribute the steps between the available lanes. It is worth noting that it is necessary for the lanes to have at least one associated step.


Deleting a column

After opening the workspace data screen, access the "Lanes" section and click on the "Delete" option displayed in the column that will be deleted. At this point, the steps associated with the deleted column will automatically return to the Steps not mapped list.


If there are tasks in a step of the deleted column, they will no longer be displayed in the Board if the step is not mapped in another workspace column.