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Plan revision

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Plan revision

Who receives it:

ISO9000 based: Users defined as participants in the revision route associated with the plan.

Workflow: Users defined as executors of the workflow activity. These users must have the Edit control enabled in the template security list.



Draft: When starting a new revision or when a participant rejects a revision step.

Review/Approval/Release: After the drafters release their own task. It is important to point out that these steps are optional and the party responsible will receive them exactly in this order.

Closure: After the last revision step, defined in the route. This step will only be generated if, in the "Revision publication" field, the revision data is selected in the Manual option.

Workflow: When starting a new revision and when in the process flow, it is time for an activity to be executed.


Control changes and versions of plans included in the system.


How to execute this task:


See below a description of the steps to execute a revision based on the ISO9000 template. Refer to the Revisions Executing revision section for a detailed description on how to perform a controlled revision by a workflow.


Select the desired risk in the list of pending records.


If the revision step is "Draft" or if the activity status allows editing the risk data, click on the button on the toolbar.


At this point, the record data screen will be opened. Check if the configurations have been duly performed and make the necessary adjustments. See a detailed description of the risk data screen in the Editing plan data section.

Access the Revision section to release it. The following subsections may be available for editing:



