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Revising records

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See how to create a record revision:


In order to revise plans and templates, it is necessary to:

Make sure the revision control is properly configured in the plan or template type;

The last revision of the plan is closed.


Use the Search filters panel to easily locate the record that will be revised.


Select it and click on the button of the toolbar. The system will request the confirmation of the creation of the new revision. Confirm the operation.


The plan/template data screen will be displayed.


The Revision section contains general information about the record revision.

This section will only be displayed if the plan type has revision control via Workflow or based on the ISO9000 standards. Thus, if it is necessary to complement the revision information, it is possible to access and edit its data. To do that, open the data screen of the record that is under revision and access the "Revision" section. At this point, the information regarding the revision that is in progress will be displayed in the record data:


Revision history


Click on the Accept revision button after completing the required fields. By confirming the operation, the revision will be sent to the responsible users, so that they execute the configured steps.


Refer to My tasks Plan revision section for further details on how to perform this operation.