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Location: Management Calibration scheduling



Calibration plan



Through this menu, it is possible to define the execution frequency of the calibration activities for a determined period. This scheduling allows the manager to have a greater visibility of the work plan for a determined period for the due adjustments to be made to balance the usage of resources.

Example: Determined equipment has the calibration frequency to occur from month to month. The system then allows configuring a scheduling to automatically create the activities referring to the calibrations of a given period. Using the example, for the scheduling period of a year, the activities (Management Calibration programming menu) will be automatically created to occur every 30 days. Thus, instead of generating calibration tasks every month, the system will generate the records for the whole period configured in the scheduling automatically.

The main screen is divided into three quadrants: the first quadrant displays the panel with search filters that allow locating the plans and their calibration activities more easily. The second quadrant displays the calibration plans created in the system, while the third quadrant displays the scheduled activities of the plan that is selected in the second quadrant.


Specific buttons:

Located in the second quadrant. Allows opening the activity scheduling wizard. See further details about this operation in the Scheduling a calibration section.

Located in the second quadrant. Allows viewing the data of the calibration plan selected from the list of records.

Located in the third quadrant. Allows viewing the data of the scheduled activity selected from the list of records.

Click on the arrow next to this button in the second quadrant to export the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, set up a new report, or associate an existing report, or to search the parameters that can be used in setting up new reports.

Located in the third quadrant. Allows viewing the maintenances displayed on the list of records in a Gantt chart.


See a detailed description of the filters available in the search panel in the View Calibration plan menu.