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Use this menu to create all the treatment and control steps of the nonconformities identified in the system. For that, use the following items:


Cause analysis

Cause analysis approval

Effectiveness approval

Identification approval

Closure notification


Occurrence identification



Action plan

Effectiveness verification


To better illustrate the system use, all the process flow steps were used. However, they may be set, or not, through the Configuration arrowrgrayp Method menu, according to the needs of the organization.

After the identification, the occurrence data may be edited if the respective permissions are granted through the Identification arrowrgrayy Edition tab, in the classification of the occurrence in question.

The members of the process flow of a determined occurrence may be edited according to the steps that have been stipulated in the Process flow arrowrgrayy Edition tab, in the classification of the occurrence in question.

All the other steps of the process to treat nonconformities, described below, may also be executed through the Tasks menu.