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Viewing batch data

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To facilitate the tracking and monitoring of actions performed in the capture, the SE Capture, allows the user to view the batch data. In the list of records on the main screen, locate and select the desired batch.


After that, click on the button on the toolbar. This operation can only be performed if the logged user has the "View" control allowed in the security list of the capture configuration to which the batch belongs.


At this point, the batch data screen will open. The displayed fields will be filled out by the system with the ID #, name, step in which the batch is currently found, capture configuration applied to it, record user (creator) and the total number of pages of the batch: The following tabs are also available:




In this tab, the data of the documents created from the batch files are presented: category to which they belong, their ID #, title and the number of pages that each document has.

To change the document data, select it from the list of records and from the side toolbar, click the button. On the data screen that will be presented, it is possible to edit the ID #, title, attribute values, in addition to viewing its electronic files.


Note: When the title of the document is translated, the target language will be displayed on the data screen.



In this tab, the history of the execution of the capture steps is displayed, that is, the steps through which the batch has passed, operations performed during each step (for example: editing, page-adding, etc.), date and time of the start and end of the step execution and the user who executed it.