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Editing incident data

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In this section, the system will present the information about an incident that can be changed through the Management Incident menu. To do this, locate and select the desired incident. Then, click on the toolbar button; the incident data screen will be displayed:


It is worth remembering that this operation can only be performed by users who have been defined, at the time of process modeling, as process managers or instance managers.




Click on the "Edit manager" button to change the instance manager.


Click on the button to change the incident requester.


Click on the button to enter or change (if it has already been entered during the execution of the incident activities) the priority of the incident.


Click on the button to enter or change the incident execution deadline.


In the Action plan section, in the Navigation panel or in the incident form, it is possible to view the incident action plans. This section will only be presented if the association with SE Action plan has been enabled during the process modeling. This section can only be displayed in the Navigation panel and in the form associated with the activity. For this section to appear on the form, it will be required for the associated form to be configured with the "Action plan" container and that the process activities are configured to display the action plans.


In the Attachment section, in the Navigation panel, in addition to viewing the attachments of the incident, it is possible to add comments about the instance, as well as to check the association or disassociation of action plans and isolated actions.


In the History section, in the Navigation panel, in addition to viewing the incident history, it is possible to add comments about the instance.


In the Security section, in the Navigation panel, change the security list of the instance.


In the Associations section, in the Navigation panel, the system will display the objects that were associated with the incident. If no object has been associated, this section will not be displayed. Note: The instance/process manager may add/associate/disassociate objects.


Edit manager
Edit requester
Change priority
Redefine deadline
Add attachments
Add comments
Edit security


The remaining sections of the incident data screen allow you to view the completed information during the execution of the incident activity.