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Editing a mapping

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To edit the data of a mapping, select it on the main screen list of records and click on the toolbar button. At this point, the data screen will be opened.


The way to edit the record varies according to the revision method configured in the requirement type and to the status. On the upper panel, in the Record section, the following buttons will be available:


Simplified revision

Current status: The Enable editing button will be displayed. Click on this button to create a new edition for the record. Thus, it will be possible to make changes without affecting the current version. Then, click on "OK" to confirm this operation.

Under revision status: The Release version and Discard changes buttons will be displayed. Thus, it will be possible to execute the revision or discard it to start a new revision.


ISO9000 based revision

Current status: The Add new revision button will be displayed. Click on this button to add a new revision and enable editing. After the creation confirmation, the Requirement mapping revision task will be created for the responsible parties.


Once done, the other sections will also be available:


General data


While the requirement mapping has a revision in the "Draft" step, it will be possible to carry out the mapping of the requirement structure.


After editing the required data, save the record.


See the procedure to close the requirement mapping editing step in the Finishing a mapping section.