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On the toolbar of the scheduling wizard screen, the user can find several buttons and menus divided in the following sections:




Click on the corresponding button to define the period to be applied to the display of the objects in the calendar. In the Overall filter of "Search filters" panel, the system will display a calendar, allowing the selection of the desired day, week, month, and year. See further details about this filter in the View arrowrgray Resource calendar menu.

Work week





Click on this button to start or finish the execution of a project task (SE Project), nonproject task (SE Time Control), isolated action and planned action (SE Action plan) or send a verification, calibration, or maintenance activity selected in the calendar to the next step. Note that this button will only be enabled if the logged user is responsible for the execution of the selected object. Refer to the specific documentation of the component to which the selected object belongs for a detailed description on how to perform its execution.

Enter time

Press this button to enter the time spent for the execution of the object selected in the calendar. Note that this button will only be enabled if the "Allow timesheet" option is checked on the selected object type data screen. View more details in the Timesheet arrowrgray Timesheet via object section.



Click on the arrow below this button and select the corresponding option to add a new:

Nonproject task: The system will display the creation wizard to add a new nonproject task. Refer to the Creating task using wizard - Blank task and Creating task using wizard - From an existing task sections for a detailed description about how to perform this operation.

Monitored event: The system will open the screen to allocate a monitored event. Refer to the Allocating a monitored event section for a detailed description on how to perform this operation.

Meeting: The system will open a screen for the scheduling of a meeting. Refer to the specific documentation of the SE Meeting component for more details on this operation.

Verification activity: On the screen that will be displayed, select the plan the verification activity will be created from. Notice that the system will only display the verification plans whose associated assets are available. After that, save the record. Refer to the specific documentation of SE Asset for a detailed description of how to fill out the fields on the screen that will be displayed. This option will only be displayed if the integration with SE Time Control is enabled in the general parameters of SE Asset.

Calibration activity: On the screen that will be displayed, select the plan the calibration activity will be created from. After that, save the record. Refer to the documentation of SE Calibration for a detailed description of how to fill out the fields on the screen that will be displayed. This option will only be displayed if the integration with SE Time Control is enabled in the general parameters of SE Asset.

Corrective maintenance: On the screen that will be displayed, select the standard activity (SE Asset) that the corrective maintenance will be created from. After that, save the record. Refer to the specific documentation of SE Maintenance for a detailed description on how to fill out the fields on the screen that the system will display. This option will only be displayed if the integration with SE Time Control is enabled in the general parameters of SE Asset.

Preventive maintenance: On the screen that will be displayed, select the plan the preventive maintenance will be created from. After that, save the record. Refer to the specific documentation of SE Maintenance for a detailed description on how to fill out the fields on the screen that the system will display. This option will only be displayed if the integration with SE Time Control is enabled in the general parameters of SE Asset.

Isolated action: Refer to the specific documentation of SE Action Plan for a detailed description on how to fill out the fields on the screen that the system will display.


Click on this button to edit the object data (nonproject task, isolated action, monitored event, project task, etc.) selected in the calendar. Notice that the logged-on user can only change the data of the objects he carries responsibility for. Refer to the specific documentation of the selected component for further details about the data screen that will be displayed.


Click on this button to delete the resource allocation to the object selected in the calendar. Notice that the logged user may only edit and delete allocations of objects he/she is responsible for. The record is deleted through the component it belongs to.



Click on this button to navigate to a previous period to the one displayed in the calendar.


Click on this button to navigate to a later period than the one displayed in the calendar.



Click on the arrow located below this button and select the desired option:

Task: Allows viewing the data of the monitored event, meeting, action, maintenance, nonproject task, project task, calibration or verification activity selected in the calendar.

Object: Allows viewing the data of the project or action plan, depending on the object selected in the calendar.

Resource: Allows viewing the data of the resource selected in the calendar.

Resource calendar

Click on this button to view, specifically, the calendar of the resource selected in the scheduling wizard calendar. See further details about the screen that will be displayed in the My calendar section.



Click on this button to view the usage chart of the resource selected in the calendar. See further details in the Viewing a histogram section.


In order for the resources described above to function correctly, it is necessary for the components involved (SE Meeting, SE Project, SE Action Plan, SE Asset, SE Calibration and SE Maintenance) to be part of the solutions acquired by your company and for the user to have the proper permissions (add, delete, edit etc.) enabled.