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Data source - ComboBox

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When a table type data source is selected, then the user must associate the relationship that will be used in the items of the List of values. See how to perform this association:


1.In the form designer, select the desired item (List of values). At this point, the Properties panel will be updated. Select the Table option and click on the Data source button. The following screen will be displayed:




2.In the General data section, fill out the following fields:

Table/Relationship: Select, in this field, the relationship that will be used in the combobox. If the desired relationship does not exist, click on the new_small button to create a new relationship (Form arrowrgray General data arrowrgray Relationship). Remember that the relationship will be created in the table of the form being designed.

Field: After selecting the relationship in the previous field, this field will be enabled. Select, then, the field (target table) that will be related to the form in question. Click on the config_lang button for the translation of this title.

Form to add a new record: Select the form that will be used to add the records that will be used in the relationship.


After filling in these fields, the relationship diagram will be displayed below the fields in this section.


3.In the Filter selection section, the filter of a relationship must be configured when there are two or more relationships in the table. To do that, select the table that will filter the records of the relationship in question in the Filter field.

N-1 Search field: Check this option if the filter to be used comes from a relationship of the table selected in the Filter field.

Relationship: In this field, the system will display the relationships of the table selected in the Filter field. Select the relationship that will be used as filter.

Table: This field is automatically filled in with the name of the target table of the relationship selected in the previous field.

N-N Search field: Check this option if the filter to be used comes from a table related to the table in the Filter field.

Table: In this field, the system will display all the tables related to the table in the Filter field.

Relationship: In this field, the system will display the relationships of the table selected in the previous field. Select the relationship that will be used as filter.

Table: This field is automatically filled in with the name of the target table of the relationship selected in the previous field.


4.1_auxnmbThe Record section will be enabled after filling out the Table/Relationship field in the General data section. Use this section to add records to the relationship in question. To do that, click on the new button. At this point, the system will display the form of the selected table in execution mode, thus allowing the records to be added.


5.Save the relationship record.