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Watermark operations (DC045)

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SoftExpert Document allows configuring watermarks to be applied, in specific situations, to the electronic files of the created documents. This section will cover the following operations:


Editing a watermark configuration

Adding a watermark configuration

Adding a text item to the watermark

Configuring a QRCode as a watermark

Defining the information type that will be displayed in the watermark

Importing watermark items from other statuses


The watermark configuration is usually performed in the SE Document component, accessing the Configuration Watermark (DC045) menu. The list of records displays the "Default metadata" metadata export configuration (previously configured by the system), as well as the other existing metadata configurations.


Editing a watermark configuration

It is possible to edit an existing watermark configuration through the following SE Document menus/screens:

Through the Configuration Watermark (DC045) menu. In this case, in the list of records, select the desired metadata export.

Through the data screen of the category with which the watermark configuration is associated. In this case, access the Details Electronic file General Watermark tab. It will be possible to edit the watermark selected in the Configuration field. To perform this operation, the logged user must have the "Edit" control enabled in the category security list.


To do that, perform the following steps:

1.Click on the button.


2.On the data screen that will be opened, select the document status to which you wish to configure a watermark in the left panel of the General tab.


3.On the right side of the screen, edit the desired information: the watermark printing area margin and the information of the items that will compose it, as well as its positioning. See below, in this section, the description of the fields and information types available for configuration in the watermark.


4.Save the record. The changes will be applied to the categories with which the watermark is associated and consequently to the documents.


Adding a watermark configuration

It is possible to add a watermark configuration through the following SE Document menus/screens:

Through the Configuration Watermark (DC045) menu.

Through the data screen of the category with which the watermark configuration is associated. In this case, access the Details Electronic file General Watermark tab. It will be possible to edit the watermark selected in the Configuration field. To perform this operation, the logged user must have the "Edit" control enabled in the category security list.


To do that, perform the following steps:

1.Click on the button.


2.On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID # and a name for the watermark configuration.


3.Save the record.


4.On the left panel of the General tab, the system will display all statuses of a document to which the watermark feature is applied. Select the status to which the desired watermark will be applied. The statuses may be:

Controlled copy:

Uncontrolled copy

Cancelled document:

Revision in drafta

Revision in reviewa

Revision in approvala

Revision in releasea

Obsolete revision:

Conversion to PDFb

a - The configuration performed in this section will only be applied to documents whose revision process is "ISO9000 based" and that are in the step in question. For revisions via "Workflow", the watermark that will be used is associated in the activity status. See further details in the Watermark in electronic files under revision via Workflow section.


b - When the system converts the electronic files of the documents that have the watermark associated, the configurations performed in this section (if any) are only applied to their last page.


5.Fill out the Top, Bottom, Left and Right fields in the Margin section with the values that will limit the printing area of the watermark in millimeters. That is, the watermark items will be placed within the limits established in these fields on the page of the file to which it will be applied.


6.In the listing at the bottom of the screen, add the items with the information that will be displayed as a watermark in the files of the documents with this configuration applied. It is also possible to import the items configured in another document status. For these operations, as well as to edit and delete the item selected in the listing, use the buttons on the side toolbar. See below, in this section, the description of some of these operations.


7.Save the record. To use this configuration, it must be associated with the category of the documents to which the watermark will be applied.


Adding a text item to the watermark

To add a text to be displayed as a watermark, in the listing at the bottom of the desired document status, perform the following steps:

1.Click on the button on the side toolbar of the listing.


2.On the screen that will be opened, select the alignment of the item regarding the margin printing area: top, middle, bottom + left, center, right.


3.Then, select the Text option.


4.Fill out the following fields according to the format you wish to apply to the text:

Font: Select the text font that will be used in the watermark.

Size: Enter the size of the font that will be used in the watermark text.

Color: Select the color that will be used in the watermark text.

Rotation: Select the orientation that will be applied to the watermark text: horizontal, vertical or diagonal.

Bold / Italic / Underline / Strikethrough: Check the options you want to apply to the watermark text.


5.Save the record, but do not close the data screen.


6.In the Text item tab, click on the button on the side toolbar.


7.On the screen that will be displayed, select the information type that will be displayed in the watermark. See a detailed description of the types available for selection in the Defining the information type that will be displayed in the watermark topic below.


8.Fill out the field that may be displayed according to the selected information type. See a detailed description of the fields that may be displayed for completion in the Defining the information type that will be displayed in the watermark topic below.


9.Enter the item presentation sequence in the watermark.


10.Save the data. At this point, the item will be displayed in the listing of the "Text item" tab.


11.After performing the configurations above, save the watermark item data.


Configuring a QRCode as a watermark

To add a QRCode to be displayed as a watermark, in the listing at the bottom of the desired document status, perform the following steps:

1.Click on the button on the side toolbar of the listing.


2.On the screen that will be opened, select the alignment of the item regarding the margin printing area: top, middle, bottom + left, center, right.


3.Then, select the QR Code option.


4.Save the record, but do not close the data screen.


5.In the Text item tab, click on the button on the side toolbar.


6.On the screen that will be displayed, select the information type that will be displayed after reading the QRCode. See a detailed description of the types available for selection in the Defining the information type that will be displayed in the watermark topic below.


7.Enter the item presentation sequence after reading the QRCode.


8.Save the data. At this point, the item will be displayed in the listing of the "Text item" tab.


9.After performing the configurations above, save the watermark item data.


Note that it is possible to add different watermark items to different positions on the page for the same status.

When the file is in a status with a defined watermark, the system will display the text items concatenated in the sequence defined in the "Text item" tab (step 6). If the item is a QR Code, after reading it, the text items will also be displayed concatenated in the sequence defined in the "Text item" tab. To change the presentation order, use the "Move up" and "Move down" buttons on the side toolbar.

In the side toolbar of the Text item tab, the buttons to edit and delete the selected item are also available.


Defining the information type that will be displayed in the watermark

When adding an item to the watermark, the following options will be available for selection in the Type field:


Object property

The watermark will be composed of a property of the document to which it will be applied. In the Item field, select the option that corresponds to the desired document property: category, ID #, title, revision or date.


The watermark will be composed of the value of an attribute that must be associated with the document. Select the desired attribute in the respective field. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new attribute and use it in the watermark and clear the field.

If the selected attribute is of the "List of values" type, the value will be used without translation, that is, the translated values will not be applied to the watermark.


The watermark will be composed of a customized SE Suite token. The tokens are customized in the SE Configuration component, through the Configuration Customize Token (CM025) menu. In the Default text field, select the desired token.

Fixed text

The watermark will be composed of a specific text. In the Text field, enter the desired text. The text can even be a docvariable. To do that, enter the docvariable between "%": %docvariable%. It is important to point out that the docvariable must be the name of the configured metadata.

Logged user

The watermark will be composed of information of the logged user. In the Item field, select the option that corresponds to the desired logged user property: login, user ID, name, default department or default position.

Print date

The watermark will consist of the date on which the electronic file was printed. In the Format field, select the option that corresponds to the desired date format.

Print time

The watermark will consist of the time on which the electronic file was printed. In the Format field, select the option that corresponds to the desired date format.

Digital signature

The watermark will be composed of some information of the user who made the digital signature of the electronic file to which it will be applied. In the Item field, select the option that corresponds to the desired user property or to the desired digital signature: name, user ID, department, position, date, time or name - date - time.

Link to file1

When generating the watermark, the system also generates a link to access the electronic file of the document to which it is being applied. In the Format field, select the option that corresponds to the link presentation format (QRCode or text).

Link to the signature portal1

The watermark will be a link to a portal in which it will be possible to sign the electronic file to which it will be applied. This portal can be accessed both by users with access to SE Suite and external users.

In the Format field, select the option that corresponds to the link presentation format (QRCode or text).

1 - Available only if the status to which the watermark is being configured is "Conversion to PDF".


Importing watermark items from other statuses

To use the watermark items configured in a certain document status in another status, perform the following steps:

1.On the left panel of the General tab, select the status of the document to which you wish to apply the watermark items.


2.Click on the button on the side toolbar of the list of records at the bottom of the screen.


3.On the screen that will be opened, select the status of the document from which you wish to copy the watermark items in the From field. The To field will be filled out with the document status selected in step 1.


4.Save your selection. At this point, the listing will display the watermark items imported from the other status.