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Editing project template

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To edit a project template, first, locate and select it in the main screen list of records. After that, click on the button on the toolbar.


If the project was created from a file using the wizard, it is possible to access its data through the "Project data" option in the Summary step.


At this point, the project template data screen will be displayed:



The presentation of some sections/fields may vary if the logged-in user has any restrictions set on the Access Folder tab, on the project type data screen.


General data
Audit scope


After creating the project template, it is also possible to build its structure through SE GanttChart. To do that, select it from the list of records on the main screen, and then click on the button. See the detailed description of how to use this resource in the SE GanttChart section.


If the automation with SE APQP/PPAP is configured in the type that classifies the project template, the fields that refer to this automation will not be displayed in the template data screen. However, through SE GanttChart, it will be possible to select the APQP form to be link to the APQP task that will be created from the project task in question through the respective column or field in the Advanced tab of the task data.

Refer to the SE APQP/PPAP component specific documentation for more information on APQP forms.