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Creation with approval

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To create a survey with the proper approval steps configured, perform the following steps:


1.Access the Management arrowrgray Survey planning menu.


2.Click on the arrow next to the new button and select one of the following options:

Blank survey: Select the type with the configured approval steps.

Survey from a template: Select the template whose type is configured with the approval steps.

Survey from an existing survey: Select the survey whose type is configured with approval steps.


3.Fill out the necessary fields such as ID #, name, planning dates, etc.


4.The approval section will only be displayed if in the type that classifies the survey it is defined that the planning, critical analysis and/or closure steps of the surveys based on it will go through approval. In this case, a sub-section will be displayed for each step with configured approval, in which it is possible to view or define the users responsible for approval according to the configurations performed in the type that classifies the template. If it is a "Fixed & unique" route, they cannot be edited.


5.After performing the desired configurations, click on the "Save and next step" option and confirm the operation in the system. At this point, the "Survey planning" task will be generated.


After the responsible parties execute the "Survey planning" task and send it to the next step, the system will generate the "Survey planning approval" task for the responsible parties to evaluate the information and approve it or reject it.