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Approval task execution

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This topic will cover how to execute an approval task.


Approval tasks are found in the following locations, according to their step:

My Tasks arrowrgray Survey planning approval

My Tasks arrowrgray Survey critical analysis approval

My Tasks arrowrgray Survey closure approval


How to execute an approval:

1.In the list of pending records, locate and select the pending approval.


2.After that, click on the default button on the toolbar.


3.On the survey data screen that will be opened, check if the data is correct.


4.If the Approval checklist option is displayed on the toolbar, click on it and answer the checklist that will be displayed (1).


5.The table below displays the flow of the survey steps according to the chosen action, but it is important to remember that the steps may vary according to the configuration defined in the type:

Current step

Flow of the chosen action

Planning approval

Approve: The "Survey execution" task will be generated for the due responsible parties.

Reject: The "Survey planning" task will be generated again for the responsible users to make the necessary changes.

Survey critical analysis approval

Approve: By approving, the survey may follow these steps:

Closure: If the "Closure" step is configured in the survey type, the system will generate the "Survey closure" task for the responsible parties for the operation.

Closed: If the critical analysis and/or closure steps are not configured in the survey type, the survey will be closed.

Reject: The "Survey critical analysis" task will be generated again for the responsible users to make the necessary changes.

Survey closure approval

Approve: The survey will be closed.

Reject: The "Survey closure" task will be generated again for the responsible users to make the necessary changes.


1 - The "Approval checklist" action will only be available if the responsibility route member executing the approval has an associated checklist. In this case, answer the question list selecting the answers to each item. The answers may have already been selected by the system according to the standard defined when recording the checklist. Moreover, filling out the "Comments" field may be mandatory or not, also according to the configurations established for the checklist.