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Nonproject task

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Location: Configuration arrowrgray Maintenance arrowrgray Nonproject tasks



Through this menu, it is possible to make adjustments to the nonproject tasks added to the system, which were not finished. By default, the list of records will display the tasks which the logged user is responsible for or the team that the logged user belongs to is responsible for. If the configuration for the logged user to exert total or specific control in the records of a department, position or user is set up in the SE Administration component (File arrowrgray Organization structure arrowrgray User arrowrgray Control tab), the nonproject tasks related to the department, position or user in question will also be displayed in the list of records.


Specific buttons:


Click on this button to edit the data in the nonproject task selected in the list of records. Note that the displayed fields will vary according to the step the task is in. Refer to the Editing a nonproject task under planning and Rescheduling a nonproject task section for a detailed description of the fields that will be displayed.


Click on this button to view the data screen of the task selected in the list of records in read-only mode.


Click on this button to use the Analytics resource to analyze the records displayed on the main screen.


Click on the arrow next to this button to configure and issue the desired task and nonproject tasks monitoring reports. This button also allows exporting the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configuring a new report or associating an existing report, and it also searches for the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.


Click on this button for the system to perform the recalculation of the total finances of the nonproject tasks selected in the list of records.


Click on this button to change the main screen layout to three quadrants. When selecting this option, the third quadrant will display the details about the task selected in the list of records in the second quadrant.


Click on this button to change the main screen layout to two quadrants.


Use the "Search filters" to easily retrieve the desired records based on specific information. Use the View arrowrgrayy Project/Nonproject task arrowrgrayy Task menu to see the detailed description of the filters.