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In this section, the configurations for capturing the files that form the batch are performed. To do that, the following sections are available:



Allows establishing the parameters that will be applied when scanning the files that form the capture batch.


Scanning profile

Select the scanning profile that will be applied when scanning the capture batch files.




Allow user to choose scanning profile

When scanning, it is possible to select another scanning profile.

For example: the user sets up a scanning profile with black and white color mode, but at the time of scanning the user needs to use a profile with RGB color mode.

It will be possible to select another profile when scanning.

Blank page detection

The system will detect the pages in blank during the scanning process.

The following fields will be enabled:

Content sensitivity: Enter, in a scale of 0 to 100, the degree of sensitivity in the detection of blank pages. The value set here is impacted at the time the system is checking the percentage of black dots on the page, to identify it as a blank page or not.

Delete blank pages: Check this option so that the system deletes the blank pages detected during the scanning process, instead of checking them. If this option is not checked, the blank pages will be maintained and checked with an icon.

The system will not detect the pages in blank during the scanning process.


Hot folder

Allows configuring a monitoring for a specific folder. Folder monitoring consists of checking, in a given folder, if there are new files and if so, automatically generating the capture batch with them.


To do that, click on the Enable hot folder option and fill out the following fields:


File folder

Enter the directory path in the server that will have the files captured.

If the document type is configured as "Image" or "Any type", if there are any .PDF files in the folder at the time of capture, they will be captured with 300 dpi.

File mask

Enter the file masks that will be imported. To enter more than one mask, separate them by a semicolon ';'. For example: *.tif;*.tiff;*.jpg.

Verification frequency

Enter, in days, hours or minutes, the frequency in which the verification will be performed, in the configured folder, of new files for import.

Record user

Select the user responsible for the capture batch generated from the imported files. Use the other buttons next to the field to enter a new user and set it as a record user and clear the field.




Add sub folders

The sub-folders of the selected folder will also be considered in the monitoring.

The sub-folders of the selected folder will not be considered in the monitoring.

Delete file after importing

The files will be deleted from the folder after being imported by the system.

The files will not be deleted from the folder after being imported by the system.

Automatic validation

The verification will occur automatically, according to the frequency configured.

The verification in the configured folder will not be automatic.

Import XML with indexes1

The system will check if there is an .XML file in the folder with the same name as the image imported during the capture.

If any, this file will also be imported and the values of the indexes in it will be associated as values of the indexes of the documents from the created batch, overwriting them.

For this feature to work correctly, it is necessary for the indexes in the .xml file to be properly configured in the recognition profile associated with the capture configuration.

When this option is checked, the batch type of the configuration will mandatorily be "single document" and the "Recognition" step will be checked, and it will not be possible to configure rules.

The system will not perform the verification by .xml files in the folder.

1- This option must be used when the scanner or the software of the scanner used in the scanning recognized some indexes by default and generates an XML file with them, without the need to perform OCR through SE Capture.


It is possible to use temporary storage in S3 to import files via hot folder, if that is parameterized in SE Configuration. Refer to the SE Configuration component specific documentation for more information about the parameterization of this feature.


E-mail monitoring

Allows configuring the batch files that will be formed by the captured XML files from a particular e-mail account.


To do that, click the Enable option and fill out the following fields:



Enter the user of the account whose e-mails will be captured.


Enter the password of the user of the account whose e-mails will be captured.

E-mail server

Enter the address of the server of the account whose e-mails will be captured.


Enter the port of the server of the account whose e-mails will be captured.


Enter the communication protocol of the server of the account whose e-mails will be captured.

Verification frequency

Enter, in days, hours or minutes, the frequency in which the e-mail capture will be performed.

Record user

Select the user responsible for the capture batch generated from the captured e-mails. Use the other buttons next to the field to enter a new user and set it as a record user and clear the field.

File mask1

Enter the file masks that will be captured. To enter more than one mask, separate them by a semicolon ';'. For example: *.tif;*.tiff;*.jpg.

1 - It will not be available if the document type selected in the General tab is "XML".





Automatic validation

The verification will occur automatically, according to the frequency configured.

The verification in the configured e-mail will not be automatic.


File masks provide flexible means for identifying files or groups of files based on their name and extension. They can basically be constructed by combining fixed characters (letters, numbers and other characters allowed in file names), the '?' - a question mark (which can replace a single character) and the '*' - asterisk (which can replace a string of characters). Here are some examples of file masks:

*.* - all files with any extension

*.doc - all files with .doc extension (for example: file.doc)

*.p* - files with extension starting with p (for example: document.pdf, document.ppt)

???.?? - files with three characters in its name and two characters in its extension (for example: