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In this section, it is possible to establish some controls that will be applied at the time of the execution of this step. To do that, the following fields are available:




Allow data recognized by OCR to be changed

Enables editing the values of the indexes recognized by OCR. This option is only valid if it is set that the capture will pass through the Recognition step.

The change will not be allowed.

Allow data typed by user to be changed

Enables editing the values of the indexes entered by the user. This option will be only valid if it is defined that the capture will pass through the Typing step.

Allow documents categorization to be changed

Allows changing the categorization of the documents. This option is only valid if the capture has the document separation process properly configured.

Allow data imported by relationship to be changed

Enables editing the data imported through a relationship. This option will only be valid if it is defined that the capture will pass through the Relationship step.

In order for the previously described feature to function properly, it is necessary for the SE Process and SE Workflow components to be part of the solutions acquired by your organization.

It is also necessary to have a process created with the automation with the SE Capture component duly enabled and configured, that is properly modeled and enabled to be started. See the specific documentation of the SE Process and the SE Workflow components for more details on modeling and configuration of processes and on the initialization and execution of workflows.





Process verification1

In the execution of the "Verification" step, workflows are triggered so that their executors verify if the batch of documents is suitable to be indexed.

In this case, in the respective field, select the process (SE Process) that will be instantiated in the SE Workflow component.

In the execution of the "Verification" step, workflows for batch verification will not be triggered.

1 - If the capture configuration document type is "XML", this option is checked by the system and the completion of its fields is mandatory.