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Creating a responsive form

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To create a responsive form, first access the "File arrowrgray Form" menu. Then, click on the arrow next to the new button and select the "Responsive form" option. Fill out the fields on the creation screen that will be displayed:





ID #: Enter a number or code to identify the form.

Name: Enter a name for the form in question.

Form type: Select the type that classifies the form being created.






Select an existing table

Check this option if the form you are creating must use a previously created table. To do that, fill out the following fields:

Table: Select the table that will be used for the form. If necessary, use the Advanced search to locate the table through a search screen.  

Revision date: This field will be displayed if the selected table is configured with revision control. Fill out this field with the revision date of the form; if this field is left blank, a revision will be created for the form being created.

Note: It is not possible to create more than one responsive form per table. In this case, select another table or uncheck this option and create a new table for the form.

Uncheck this option to create a table for the form being created. In that case, fill out the following fields:

ID #: Enter the ID # of the table.

Name: Enter a name for the table.

Table type: Enter the table type in question. If necessary, use the Advanced search to locate the table through a search screen.


Click on the Save button for the responsive form to be created. If the revision control is not configured in the table, the responsive form designer screen will be displayed. If the revision control is configured, the Form revision task will be created and the user will be able to design the form.