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Configuring a report

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To add a new report, click on the new button on the main toolbar. To edit a report, select it in the list of records and click on the edit_padrao button.


The reports included through the "Add" button are identified as reports of the "New" type in the R column on the main screen list of records.

The system reports cannot be edited, but it is possible to copy their records and customize them as desired. Thus, the reports made from the copy will be identified as "Customized" and may be edited.


The following fields are available in the report data screen:






ID #

Enter a number or code to identify the report.


Fill out this field to apply a template to the report. In this case, select the template that will be applied to the report. Whenever the template is edited, the reports associated to it will automatically be altered.

If the report does not need a template (for example: label report), keep this field blank.


Select the image that will represent the report button on the screen of the component where it will be available to be generated.


Enter the title of the report. This title will be shown in the report button, on the screen of the component where it will be available to be generated.


After saving the record for the first time, the following tabs will also be available:




After performing the desired configurations, save the record.