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Technician allocation

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Location: View Technician allocation



Use this menu to view the allocation of technicians to asset verification, maintenance, or calibration activities. It is necessary to define the planning and execution periods of the activity that contains the allocation.




Use the Search filters panel to define the dates and grouping mode of the period:

Group by: Enter whether the allocations will be grouped by Days, Weeks or Months.

Period: Select the date range that covers the period in which the object may be allocated in an activity.


Click on the SEARCH button after filling out desired filters.


Still in the search panel, use the filters described below to locate the desired records through specific information. For that, click on the button to add them.


Use the Search filters panel to define the dates and grouping mode of the period:

Group by: Enter whether the allocations will be grouped by Days, Weeks or Months.

Period: Select the date range that covers the period in which the object may be allocated in an activity.



Use the filters described below to locate the desired records through specific information. To do that, go to the Search filters panel and click on the button to add them.




After you complete the necessary filters, click on the SEARCH button on the Search filters panel or press ENTER on the keyboard to perform the search.



Use the search filters on the toolbar to view more information and/or analyze the data obtained:

Click on this button to use the Analytics resource to analyze the result obtained from the search.

Click on the arrow next to this button to export the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configure a new report or associate an existing report, or search the parameters that may be used to configure new reports.

Click on this button to change the main screen layout to three quadrants. After selecting this option, the third quadrant displays the information of the activity to which the technician selected in the second quadrant has been allocated.

Click on this button to edit the layout of the main screen to two quadrants.