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Adding a verification plan

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See below how to draft a verification plan:


Click on the toolbar button to create a new verification plan. At this point, the system will display a screen to define the activity that will be used by the verification plan. Select one of the following options:



Inherit activity data: Select this option to create a plan by inheriting data from an existing standard activity. To do this, select the Activity that will be inherited, in the respective fields. When a verification plan is created with this option, the activity data is not shown in the verification plan data, that is, in the verification plan only the plan data can be edited, and the standard activity will be associated with this plan.

Copy data from activity: Select this option to copy the data of an activity to the plan activity. To do this, select the Activity that will be copied, in the respective fields. When a verification plan is created with this option, the activity data is incorporated into the plan, that is, the plan data will display the standard activity information, allowing this information to be edited.


Remember that verification activities cannot be selected on this screen.


1.After defining the plan activity, the system will display the verification plan screen:


Dados do plano de verificação copiando dados da atividade modelo
Dados do plano de verificação herdando dados da atividade modelo