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Editing a verification plan

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To edit the data of a verification plan, first, locate the desired plan. After that, with the plan selected on the main screen, click on the button. At this point, the verification plan data screen will be displayed for editing.


General data

In this section, complete or edit the following fields:

ID #: Verification plan ID #.

Name: Verification plan name.

Plan type: Plan type, which in this case is "Verification".

Activity: This field will only be displayed if the user selected the "Inherit activity data" option when recording a plan. This field will be filled with the activity selected during the plan record, but if necessary, the standard activity of the plan may be changed. By changing the activity of this field, the next verification activities will be based on the new standard activity.

Asset(s): Below this field, the assets or asset templates associated with the verification plan will be presented, however, it will be possible to associate new assets with the plan. If necessary, it is possible to remove any assets that have been associated with the plan.

Responsible team for plan: This team will be allowed to create activities in the "programming" or "execution" step, in their respective menus or through the Verification due date task.

Responsible team for planning: This field will only be displayed if the user has selected the "Copy data from activity" option while recording the plan. This team is responsible for planning the plan verifications and will have permission to create activities in the "programming" step, in their respective menus or through the Verification due date task.

Responsible team for the execution: This field will only be displayed if the user has selected the "Copy data from activity" option while recording the plan. This team is responsible for executing the plan verifications and will have permission to create activities in the "execution" step, in their respective menus or through the Verification due date task.

Date-based frequency: Check this option to enable the execution frequency of the asset verification through the Verification due date task. Note that this frequency may be pre-configured if the standard activity of this plan has been configured with this frequency, however, if necessary, this configuration can be changed in the plan. If this option is checked, the following fields can be configured:

Frequency type: Select the frequency type for the verification execution of the asset:

ºExecution date: The verification activity will be performed on a specific date.

ºFirst use: The verification activity will be performed at the frequency determined after the first use of the asset.

ºUsage time: The verification activity will be performed at the determined frequency of the usage time of the asset.

Frequency: Enter the frequency in which the verifications will be performed. In the Unit field, set whether the frequency will be calculated in days, weeks, months or years. For example: every 3 days, every 2 months, every year, among others. Remember that, besides the option configured in this field, the system will take into account the previously selected frequency type.

Date visualization: Set how the asset verification period will appear on the system screens: day/month/year, month/year or week/year. If the selected template is "month/year", the system will generate the task on the last day of the month. If the selected template is "day/month/year", the system will validate whether the execution date is a working day in accordance with the defined schedule and, if it is not, will change the execution to the last working day.

Next execution: Select the date on which the asset verification execution will be planned. This field is enabled for filling only if the Verification field in the General parameters Control section has been selected. Otherwise, the system will automatically complete with the date of the next execution of the assets. When the verification plan is scheduled, the dates of the next executions will be calculated according to the frequency defined in the previous field. If the execution does not occur, after that date, the Verification due date task will be performed.

Calendar: Select the calendar on which the execution dates of the verification will be based. This field may be filled in if there is any calendar configured in the general parameters. This field will only be displayed if the "Inherit activity data" option has been selected when creating the verification plan.


Asset meter-based frequency: Check this option to generate verification activities as soon as the meter reaches a certain measurement. The asset meter-based frequency cannot be configured if any assets of the plan have no meter reading. Note that this frequency may be pre-configured if the standard activity of this plan has been configured with this frequency, however, if necessary, this configuration can be changed in the plan. If this option is checked, the following fields can be configured:

Frequency: Enter the value that when reached by the meter will generate the verification due date task.

In advance: Enter the anticipation for the generation of the verification due date task.

Example 1: If a car mileage is measured in the asset, the frequency can be set for every 10,000 km read on the meter, but the verification due date task can be generated with 1,000 km in advance, that is, once the meter reaches 9,000 km, the verification due date task will be generated.

Example 2: If the asset meter is configured to measure the usage time of a gage with a frequency set for every 200 hours and a 50 hours anticipation, the verification expiration task will be generated as soon as the meter reaches 150 hours of use.

Next execution: Enter what value the meter should reach to generate the next verification activity.

Current value: This field is automatically filled by the system with the amount already reached by the asset meter.

Last reading: This field is automatically filled by the system with the date of the last reading made on the meter.

Create activity automatically: This field is only available if the "Date-based frequency" or "Asset meter-based frequency" option has been checked. Check this option to have the verification activity automatically created. Configure also the following information:

Create ___ days before the next execution: Enter how many days before the next execution the new activity will be created.

Create activities even if pending activities already exist: If this option is checked, new activities will be created, regardless of the existence of pending verifications.

Generate activities in the step of: Define if the verification activities will be created in the planning or the execution (To be started) step. If the frequency based on the asset meter is enabled, then the "In advance" field will be used to create the verification activities before the frequency is reached.

Priority: Define the priority of the verification plan. In that case, select the desired evaluation method in the respective field. After that, the evaluation criteria will be displayed. Select the desired value for each criterion that will be displayed. The method to enter the available values and criteria will vary according to the configurations made in the selected evaluation method. The Result field will be filled out according to the values selected in the evaluation method criteria.


Activity data

If the activity data is being inherited, when the user created the verification plan, clicking on the button in the Activity data section will open the standard activity data screen.

If activity data has been copied to plan, then in the Activity data section the general activity data copied (on the plan data screen) will be displayed. In that case, the following subsections will be available for the user to apply the plan-specific configurations:


Activity data

In this subsection the fields will initially be filled with the standard activity settings, but they can be edited:

ID #: Enter a number or code for the standard activity.

Name: Enter the name of the standard activity.

Standard activity type: Select the standard activity type in question. This field is automatically filled in by the system with the standard activity type selected previously; however, it is possible to edit it.

Activity classification: Select the activity classification.

Procedure: Select the procedure to follow when performing the activity. Remember that, if there is an integration with SE Document, the system will display the records from that system. Otherwise, the system will display the records created through the File Procedure section.

Checklist: Select the checklist to be answered during the execution of the standard activity.

Estimated duration: Enter the estimated duration of the standard activity.

Use mask for identification: Select this field to enable the identification mask resource in the standard activity in question. In that case, fill in the following fields:

Identification mask: Select the desired identification mask from those created through the Configuration Identification mask menu.

Enable ID # change: If this field is checked, when programming/executing the activity, it will be possible to manually edit the ID # generated by the mask. Otherwise, it will not be allowed.

Publish report in SE Document: Check this field to indicate that the report of the activity in question will be published in the SE Document component. If this field is checked, then, select the category in which the document containing the activity will be created. Remember that this field may only be used if the SE Document component is installed.

Controls: Fill in the following fields regarding the control of the activity:

Interrupt asset during all execution: Check this field to stop using the asset for the entire period that the asset remains in verification.

Interrupt asset for %s hour(s): Check this field to stop using the asset when the verification is performed. In this case, click on Enter period and enter the interruption time of the asset. Remember that this action will generate a downtime record in the system.

Read asset meter: Check this field for the activity in question to generate an asset meter reading task in the SE Maintenance component. Follow the details about the reading of meters in the SE Maintenance component documentation.

Responsible technician: Fill in the following fields regarding the responsibility of the activity:

Service center: Select the service center responsible for executing the activity.

Responsible technician: Select the technician responsible for executing the activity. The technicians of the service center selected previously will be available for selection.

Description: Enter a description for the standard activity. This field has the Rich Text editor field, which lets the user highlight the important points that should be ran during the verification activity. The feature lets you format text (set or change font type, size, and color, apply bold, italic, and underline), format paragraphs, insert tables, links, and images.

Programming approval: Check this field so that the activity in question goes through the programming approval step. After that, fill in the following fields:

Variable: If this option is checked, during the activity programming, it will be allowed to select any responsibility route, change its members, or even associate new responsible parties.

Fixed: If this option is checked, during the activity programming, it will be allowed to select any responsibility route; however, its members may not be changed.

Fixed & unique: If this option is checked, during the activity programming, it will not be allowed to change the responsibility route or, especially, its members. In that case, it will be mandatory to fill in the Responsibility route field to define the route that will approve the maintenance programming.

Execution approval: Check this field so that the activity in question goes through the execution approval step. After that, fill in the following fields:

Variable: If this option is checked, during the activity execution, it will be allowed to select any responsibility route, change its members, or even associate new responsible parties.

Fixed: If this option is checked, during the activity execution, it will be allowed to select any responsibility route; however, its members may not be changed.

Fixed & unique: If this option is checked, during the activity execution, it will not be allowed to change the responsibility route or, especially, its members. In that case, it will be mandatory to fill in the Responsibility route field to define the route that will approve the maintenance execution.



This section will be preconfigured with the attributes of the standard activity; however, new attributes can be configured for the verification plan. The attributes of this subsection will be displayed in the verification activity so that they are completed. Those that are defined as required must be filled out during the verification activity execution step. Refer to the Adding attributes section for further details on how to add and/or associate attributes.



This section will only be displayed if selecting the option to copy the data from the activity. Therefore, associate the attachments, document and safety data sheets related to the standard activity:

Attachments: Use this section to associate the attachments related to the standard activity. Refer to the Adding attachments section for further details on how to add and/or associate attachments.

Document: Use this section to add or associate the documents related to the standard activity. Refer to the Adding documents section for further details on how to add and/or associate documents from SE Document.

Safety data sheet: Safety data sheets are the main tool to ensure that manufacturers and importers communicate sufficient information throughout the supply chain to enable the safe use of their substances and mixtures. Safety data sheets contain information on the properties of the substance and its hazards, handling, disposal and transport instructions and measures for first aid, fire-fighting and exposure control. Therefore, add or associate, through this action, the safety documents related to the standard activity. See the Adding documents section for further details of how to add and/or associate documents from SE Document.


The Document and Safety data sheet sections will only be enabled if SE Document and SE Asset are available in the same license key.



In this section, the system will display the execution history of the verification plan in question. In this section, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to view the data of the verification activity selected in the listing.

Click on this button to view the Gantt Chart with all the activities displayed in the listing. The chart displays the planned period and for the activities already completed, the system will display the actual period of the execution of the activities.



In this section, it is possible to schedule notifications that will be sent via email the day before and/or after the expiration of the asset verification. To do that, enable the following fields:

Notify before due date: Allows the notification to be sent before the verification due date. In this case, in the Notify before field, enter the number of days before the verification due date in which the notification will be sent.

Notify on due date: Allows the notification to be sent on the verification due date.

Notify after due date: Allows the notification to be sent after the verification due date. In this case, in the Notify after field, select the number of days, after the verification due date, that the notification will be sent. Also, set the Frequency at which the notifications will be sent after the verification due date.

Subordinates' tasks: Check this field to enable monitoring notifications for the subordinates' verification tasks.

Notify leader of responsible user: The notification will be sent to the leader responsible for the user through verification.

Specific user: The notification will be sent to a specific user. Select the user in the respective field.

Go up __ level(s): Enter how many levels above is the leader who will receive the verification notifications.

Frequency: Enter the periodicity, after the delay, that the notifications of the verification will be sent.


Variable reading

This section will only be displayed if selecting the option to copy the data from the activity. Therefore, associate all the variables that should be read when executing the verification activity.


If the user associates activities in the verification plan that are not associated with the assets, when saving the verification plan for the first time, the system will ask if the user wishes to associate the plan variables with the assets. To associate the variables, simply select the variables and click on the 'Save' button.

The variables will be read through the SE Maintenance component.

The details on how to associate the variables with the verification plan activity can be found in the Editing standard activity data section.


To-do tasks

This section will only be displayed if selecting the option to copy the data from the activity. Therefore, associate all the tasks that will be necessary for the execution of the verification activity. To do this, click on the button to associate the tasks required for the execution of the activity in question:

Preparation: These are the tasks that need to be executed to prepare the activity. Example: Equipment shutdown.

Execution: These are the tasks of the activity itself. Example: Part replacement.

Closure: These are the tasks that must be performed in order for the asset operation to be restored. The closure activity is usually reverse to the preparation activity. Example: Equipment startup.


Extra cost

This section will only be displayed if selecting the option to copy the data from the activity. Therefore, enter the costs related to the activity in question.


The costs associated in this section will be displayed on the activity programming/execution screen.

The details on how to associate the costs of the verification plan activity can be found in Editing standard activity data section.



This section will only be displayed if selecting the option to copy the data from the activity. This section may be completed with the resources of the standard activity; however, it will be possible to edit, delete, and add new resources.

Technician: Use this subsection to define the service center and the technician responsible for carrying out the activities of this plan. It will also be possible to program the number of hours the technician must use to perform the verification.

Use the Resources estimate section to set an estimate of how many people are required per hour for each position. This estimate will be available for view in the verification activity data, both in the planning (programming) step and in the execution step.  Refer to the Configuring activity resources section for more details on how to configure resource estimate.

Tool: Through this subsection, it will be possible to associate the tools (assets) that can be used by the activities of the plan in question. During the association, enter the Scheduled quantity of tools that can be used for the verification.

Supply: Through this subsection, it will be possible to associate the supplies that can be used by the activities of the plan in question. During the association, enter the Scheduled quantity of supplies that can be used for the verification.


The details on how to associate resources (technical, tool and supply) with the verification activity can be found in the Configuring activity resources section.


After making changes to the verification plan data, save the record.