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Timesheet (SE Time Control)

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The timesheet of verification activities can be done directly on the activity data screen by means of the Timesheet section. Remember, however, that this section will only be presented if the integration with SE Time Control has been configured in the General parameters. The timesheet feature will only be enabled, in the verification activity data when:

The logged-on user (verification executor) is the technician responsible for performing the verification. The responsible technician is defined in the General data of the verification activity.

The logged-on user (verification executor) is configured on the Timesheet permission tab of the resource defined as technician (Resource) of the verification activity.


When clicking on the button in this section, the system will display a screen to create the timesheet:





Enter the total number of hours performed for the verification activity for each day of the week. The "N" column corresponds to the straight time and the "O" column corresponds to the overtime.


It is possible to carry out the timesheet by entering the start time (Input) and the end time (Output) of each period in which the verification activity was performed. The total will be applied in the field (A) which corresponds to the total number of hours performed for the verification.


Use the navigation buttons to select another week in which the timesheet is required.


After performing the weekly time entries, save the record. Remember that before modifying the displayed week, it will be necessary to save any time information, otherwise, the created timesheets will be lost.


Remember that it will only be possible to carry out the timesheets from the period that covers the start date of the verification execution to the current date (today).