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Organizational unit

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Locations: File arrowrgray Organization structure arrowrgray Organizational unit







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The organizational units consist of the business units and departments belonging to the organization. Through this menu are created all the business units and departments of the organization, arranged in a hierarchy. The screen can be divided into three quadrants. In the first quadrant of this menu are presented the search filters, which allow locating the desired organizational units more easily. In the second quadrant is presented the hierarchy of organizational units created in the system, while in the third quadrant are presented the users belonging to the selected organizational unit in the second quadrant.


Specific Buttons:


Click on the arrow next to this button and select the desired option:

Business unit: Allows adding a new business unit. See more details on this operation in the Creating a business unit section.

Department: Allows adding a new department. For further information on this operation, see the Creating a department section.


Click on this button to edit the business unit or department selected in the list of records.


Click on this button to delete the business unit or department selected in the list of records. The system will request the countersign when clicking on it if the "Request user countersign when performing critical operations in the components" option is checked in the SE Configuration component (CM008).


Click on the arrow next to this button to configure and issue the desired department and organizational mapping reports. This button also allows exporting the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configuring a new report or associating an existing report, or searching for the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.


Click on this button to enable or disable the record selected on the main screen. To view the disabled records, use the "Status" field of the General filter, in the search filters panel. The system will request the countersign when clicking on it if the "Request user countersign when performing critical operations in the components" option is checked in the SE Configuration component (CM008). It is important to note that if the selected record is associated with other records, it will not be possible to deactivate it.


Click on this button to view the organizational chart of the organizational unit selected in the hierarchy. On the screen that will be opened, in addition to viewing the organizational chart, it will be possible to use buttons to zoom in, zoom out or restore zoom and to print it.


Click on this button to mark all departments displayed in the business unit hierarchy. This button is used to define which departments will be displayed in the "Selected department reports".


Click on this button to deselect marked departments in the business unit hierarchy. This button is used to define which departments will be displayed in the "Selected department reports".


Click on this button to edit the layout of the main screen to three quadrants. When you select this option, the selected organizational unit users in the second quadrant are displayed in the third quadrant.


Click on this button to edit the layout of the main screen to two quadrants.


Click on this side toolbar button of the third quadrant to view the data of the user selected in the list of records.