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View content record acknowledgment

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View content record acknowledgment

Who is notified:

User who issued a request to view physical record content.


The approver of the request forward the answer to the question made by the sender.


Acknowledge and confirm the answer sent by the approver has been received.


How to execute this task:



Select the desired pending record.



1_auxnmbAfter that, click on the default button on the toolbar.



At this point, the view content record data screen will be displayed:

In the General tab, it is possible to view the general request data and the question made.

In the Document tab, it is possible to check the physical file that was viewed. Use the buttons on the side toolbar to view the electronic files and the data of the documents associated with the record.

In the Approval tab, it is possible to view the answer entered by the user responsible for the physical file repository.



1_auxnmbAfter viewing the desired information, click on the default button on the data screen toolbar. At this point, the system will ask if you wish to confirm the view content record. Click on the desired option:

OK: The viewing of the answer will be confirmed and the task will be executed.

Cancel: The viewing of the answer will not be confirmed and the record will remain pending.