Protocol: This field will only be available for "Uncontrolled" copies. Enter the printed copy protocol number to be searched.
ID #: This field will only be available for "Uncontrolled" copies. Enter the printed copy protocol ID # to be searched.
Barcode: This field will only be available for "Controlled" copies. Enter the barcode of the printed copy whose protocol will be searched. The barcode of a document is generated in the Management Copy Distribution menu, through the "Documents label" report.
Station: This field will only be available for "Controlled" copies. Select the copy station responsible for distributing the printed copies whose protocol will be searched.
Responsible for copy station: Select the user associated as responsible for the previously selected station, who will also be responsible for distributing the printed copies whose protocol will be viewed.
Company: This field will only be available for "Uncontrolled" copies. Enter the name of the company responsible for distributing the printed copies whose protocol will be searched.
Responsible: Select the contact of the previously selected company, who will also be responsible for distributing the printed copies whose protocol will be viewed.
Issued by: Select the user who issued the copy protocol you wish to view. Use the other buttons next to the field to fill it with the logged-in user data and clear it.
Status: This field will only be available for "Controlled" copies. Enter the status of the printed copies whose protocol will be searched:
▪In use: There are the copies that were sent through copy protocols and were not cancelled. ▪Cancelled: There are the copies that were cancelled. ▪Pending: These are the copies that were inserted in the document data but still have not been sent. ▪Planned: These are the copies that were entered in the document data, regardless of whether they were sent or not. Period: This field will only be enabled to be filled out if the selected status is Cancelled or if the copy type is "Uncontrolled". In the Last __ day(s) field, enter the number of days prior to the current date, which covers the cancellation date of the distribution protocol of the printed copies you wish to view. The user can also use the Start and End fields, to select the date range that covers the date on which the print copy protocol you wish to view has been canceled.