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Operations with incident flowchart

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The flowchart allows you to see at which point in the flow an incident is executed and, if necessary, some changes can be made. When accessing the flowchart of an incident in progress, for example, the executors of the activities that have not yet been executed can be changed along with the deadline of the activity that is enabled for execution. To change the flow of an incident by adding or removing activities, gateways, or subprocesses, the incident must be locked for editing. See the operations that may be performed in the following situations:


The operations described in this section can only be performed by users defined as process managers or instance managers. The flowchart will be displayed for viewing ONLY when:

The logged user is NOT the instance/process manager or does NOT have the "Edit" control enabled in the incident security list.

The incident status is "Postponed", "Canceled" or "Closed".


From the records list of the Management Incident menu, select the incident in progress, whose execution information changes.


Incidents with the "In progress" status may be identified in the list of records by the icon.


After that, click on the button. At this point, the screen to edit the flowchart will be displayed:




The icons of the actions performed on the activities executed or canceled are displayed in the flowchart, allowing to visually identify the action that was taken in each activity.

If the party responsible for executing an activity is a group (department, role, or functional role), by selecting it in the flowchart, the Summary panel will display the party responsible for the execution and when you click on the executor, the system will display the list of users who are members of the group, that is, the possible executors of the activity.


When you select an activity or decision in the flowchart, some buttons will be displayed in the Actions area in the flowchart buttons panel (Ribbon). The actions available vary according to the situation of the selected activity/decision:


Enable item
Redefine activity deadline
Edit activity executor
Flowchart change (incident blocked for editing)