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Editing a survey

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The survey record can be edited in the following locations:


Management arrowrgray Survey planning

Execution arrowrgray Survey execution


When accessing the menu, locate and select the desired record and click on the edit button on the main screen.


At this point, the system opens the survey data screen. The sections configured during the creation will be filled out accordingly.


Follow the next steps to configure the sections available after the creation of the survey:


General data

On this tab, in addition to the data entered during the creation, the following sections will be available for configuration:


Closure options

Fill out this section only if you wish to configure for the survey execution closure to be performed automatically. Thus, the survey in question will not be displayed in the "Survey execution" task as soon as it is enabled to be answered, but it can be tracked through the Survey tracking task.





The execution of the survey will finish on a determined date. In the field that will be enabled, select the desired date.

The execution of the survey will not finish on a determined date.


The survey execution will be closed as soon as a defined number or percentage of surveys have been answered. To do that, in the fields that will be enabled, select the desired option and enter the desired quantity or percentage.

The survey execution will not be closed according to the number or percentage of answers.

If both previous options are checked, select one of the following options:


Both conditions must be met for the survey to be closed.


At least one of the conditions must be met for the survey to be closed.


General settings




Anonymous survey1

The respondent information will not be displayed during survey execution.

It will be possible to identify the survey respondent.

Automatically restart survey²

A new answer step will be automatically started as soon as the surveys based on this template are answered. The system will wait 5 seconds to make a new survey question step available. Thus, it will be possible to make the surveys based on the template available to be answered in a totem of some customer service. By default, the surveys that have this option enabled will be anonymous.

The survey will not be restarted after it is answered.

Allow score1

It will be possible to define a weight for the questions and the answers of the survey.

In that case, the value entered in the "Weight" field of the question data screen, as well as the "Score" column, will be used in the list of answers.

The survey will not generate a score.

Show the "Give up" button

The "Give up" button will be displayed during survey execution, which allows users to give up on answering the survey. By default, this option is enabled by the system.

The "Give up" button will not be displayed for the respondents, keeping them from giving up on the answer.

Enable link for multiple answers1

It will be possible to generate a link that will allow any person to answer this survey.

By default, the answers generated through this link are anonymous.

The link for multiple survey answers will not be generated.

1 - It will only be available if the survey mode is "Survey".


Critical analysis


Responsible user

Displays the data of the user who is adding the survey, and it is possible to edit it. In this case, enter the user who will be responsible for the critical analysis of the survey.

Use the other buttons next to the field to add a user and define it as responsible, fill out the field with the data of the logged user and clear it.

Responsible team

Fill out this field to also define a team as responsible for the critical analysis of the survey.

Deadline (days)

Enter the number of days the responsible parties will have to execute the "Survey critical analysis" task.



This section will only be displayed if, in the type that classifies the template, the "Closure" option is selected.


Responsible user

Select the user responsible for the closure of the surveys based on the template. By default, the user who is adding the template will be selected. If you wish to define a different user, simply use the available buttons to add another logged user.

Responsible team

Select the team that will be responsible for the closure of surveys based on the template in question.

Deadline (days)

In the "Deadline (days)" field, enter the number of days the responsible parties will have to execute the "Survey closure" task.



This option will only be available if the template mode is "Test". Select the option that corresponds to how the correction will be performed:





Allow correction viewing

When the survey is finished, it will be possible to view the correction of the questions.

It will not be possible to view the correction of the answers of the survey.



Responsible user

Select the user who will be responsible for correcting the answers of the survey.

Use the other buttons next to the field to add a user and define it as responsible, fill out the field with the data of the logged user and clear it.

Responsible team

Fill out this field to also define a team as responsible for the correction of the survey.

Deadline (days)

Enter the number of days the responsible parties will have to execute the "Survey correction" task.



Enter relevant information about the survey template.



This section will only be displayed if at least one attribute is associated in the "Attribute" tab of the type that classifies the template. Enter the values of the displayed attributes. Those that are required must mandatorily have their values filled; whereas blocked attributes will be filled by the system with the default value defined when associating them with the type. The way to fill out an attribute varies according to the configurations established during its creation.



Configure the structure of sections and questions as they should be displayed on the survey:

1.On the side toolbar, click on the new button to add one of the following options.

Section: Allows adding a new section in the survey structure.

Existing section: Allows adding a section from another survey recorded in the system to the survey structure.

Question: Allows adding a new question to the section selected in the survey structure.

Existing question: Allows adding a previously recorded question to the section selected in the template structure.

Randomization: This option will only be displayed if the section is being added to a "Test" mode template. It allows configuring for the questions of the section selected in the survey structure to be randomly chosen by the system.

2.After adding the desired options, click on the edit button if you wish to edit an item selected in the survey structure.

3.Click on the required button to check/uncheck the question selected in the structure as required1.

4.Use the other buttons to perform other desired operations.

5.The system already displays the Introduction, Thank you and a pre-created Section in the structure. By hovering the mouse over the "Conditional" column of a question in the survey structure, the "Conditional expression" button will be displayed. Click on it to configure a condition for this question to be displayed.


See more details on the survey structure item data screen in the Survey structure section.



This tab must be filled out if you wish to preset the users who will answer the survey.


SE Suite

If the respondents you wish to add belong to SE Suite, follow the steps below:

1.Click on the new button on the side toolbar and select the SE Suite option on the screen that will be opened.

2.Use the Control field to select one of the following options to define the respondents of the survey:

Organizational unit: Users of a particular organizational unit will be survey respondents.

Position: Users who hold a specific position will be survey respondents.

Department/Position: Users of a defined department and who hold a specific position will be survey respondents.

User: A specific user will be a survey respondent.

Team: Users who compose a team already registered in SE Survey will be survey respondents.

External user: External users configured in the SE Administration component will be survey respondents.

3.According to the selected access type, Filters will be enabled to be filled out. Use them to make it easier to search for desired records.

4.If the control is Organizational unit, the hierarchy of business units and the departments belonging to them (if any) will be displayed.

Check the business units and/or desired departments. By checking the "Consider sublevels" option at the bottom of the screen, the system will also consider the organizational units that are down in the hierarchy of the selected organizational unit. Note that by checking this option, if new organizational subunits (whether they are business units or departments) are subsequently added, they will be automatically added to the respondent list.

Next to the hierarchy, the system also makes available buttons that allow you to check all the sub-levels of a particular organizational unit or uncheck all sub-levels. It is important to point out that by using the "Check all sub-levels" button if new organizational sub-levels are subsequently added, they will not be included in the security list.

5.After completing the fields above, press ENTER on the keyboard. Depending on the selected access type and the values entered in the filters, the result will be displayed in the list of records, located at the bottom of the screen. Select the ones that will compose the respondent list. Hold the SHIFT or CTRL keys down or check next to each item, to select more than a record at a time.



If the respondents you wish to add are Guests who do not belong to SE Suite, follow the steps below:

1.Click on the new button on the side toolbar and select the Guest option on the screen that will be opened.

2.Drag a file or use the select button to upload a .csv or .xls files with the names and e-mails of the desired respondents. The respondents entered in the spreadsheet will be displayed in the Respondent list.

3.Obtain a template spreadsheet through the "CSV import template" and "XLS import template" options.

4.If you prefer not to use a file to create the respondent list, on the "Respondent list" field, enter the name and the e-mail of each guest respondent, separating them by ",". For example: John, Press ENTER on the keyboard to add the entered respondent to the listing.

5.Click on the "X" on the card of the respondent you wish to remove from the list. To remove all respondents simultaneously, use the Clear option on the upper part of the list.


Copy record

If the respondents you wish to add belong to a previously created Survey, follow the steps below:

1.Click on the new button on the side toolbar and select the Clone record option on the screen that will be opened.

2.On the Survey field, locate and select a survey created in the system whose respondents you wish to copy.

3.The bottom part of the list will display the respondents of the selected survey. Check those you wish to copy.


After performing the necessary configurations, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.

If you wish to remain on the screen, check the corresponding option next to the "Save" button. Otherwise, the system will close the screen and add the respondent to the listing.



Notify interested when:




Start correction step

This option will only be available if the survey mode is "Test". The system will send a notification when the correction step of the survey is started.

There will be no notifications related to the step.

Start critical analysis step

This section will only be displayed if, in the survey type, the Critical analysis option is selected. The system will send a notification when the critical analysis step of the survey is started.

Start closure step

This option will only be displayed if, in the survey type, the "Closure" option is selected. The system will send a notification when the closure step of the survey is started.

Closed survey

The system will send a notification when all steps configured for the survey are finished.



Use this list to configure the users who will be notified for the previously enabled events. To do that, click on the new button on the side toolbar and, on the screen that will be displayed, perform the following steps:

1.Use the Control field to select one of the following options to define the respondents of the survey:

Organizational unit: Users of a particular organizational unit will be notified.

Position: Users who hold a determined position will be notified.

Department/Position: Users of a defined department and who hold a specific position will be notified.

User: A specific user will be notified.

Team: Users who compose a team already registered in SE Survey will be notified.

2.According to the selected access type, Filters will be enabled to be filled out. Use them to make it easier to search for desired records.

3.If the control is Organizational unit, the hierarchy of business units and the departments belonging to them (if any) will be displayed.

4.Check the business units and/or desired departments. By checking the "Consider sublevels" option at the bottom of the screen, the system will also consider the organizational units that are down in the hierarchy of the selected organizational unit. Note that by checking this option, if new organizational subunits (whether they are business units or departments) are subsequently added, they will be automatically added to the interested list.

5.Next to the hierarchy, the system also makes available buttons that allow you to check all the sub-levels of a particular organizational unit or uncheck all sub-levels. It is important to point out that, by using the "Check all sub-levels" button, if new organizational sub-units are added later on, they will not be incorporated to the interested list.


After completing the fields above, press ENTER on the keyboard. Depending on the selected access type and the values entered in the filters, the result will be displayed in the list of records, located at the bottom of the screen. Select the ones that will compose the interested list.



In this section, it is possible to configure the e-mail that will be sent to the respondents of the surveys. Select the desired e-mail sending option:

Default: The SE Suite default e-mail will be sent to the respondents. Use the enabled fields to enter the subject and the message to be displayed in the e-mail. In the Preview field, it is possible to preview the e-mail that will be sent to the respondents.

Specific: A customized e-mail, from a template, will be sent to the respondents. In the enabled fields, enter the e-mail subject and select the template file that has the e-mail template. In the Preview field, it is possible to preview the e-mail that will be sent to the respondents.


When editing the survey data, click on the "Save" option at the top of the screen to save the changes.

At the upper part of the survey data screen, the following options will be available:



The information displayed in this section will vary according to the revision process set in the type that classifies the survey:

Simplified: A history of the survey versions will be displayed. Use the view button to view the template data in the version selected in the listing.

ISO9000 based/Workflow: If the survey has a revision in progress, the system will display subsections that allow configuring it. See a detailed description of those subsections in the Creating a survey template revision topic.



The Approval section will only be displayed if in the type that classifies the survey it is defined that the planning, critical analysis and/or closure steps of the surveys based on it will go through approval.

In this case, a sub-section will be displayed for each step with configured approval, in which it is possible to view or define the users responsible for approval according to the configurations performed in the type.

Completing the information in each sub-section depends on the route type you have selected. If it is a "Fixed & unique" route, it may not be edited.



Responsibility route

Select the responsibility route for the approval of the step. If the route defined is "Fixed", it will only be possible to define another route through this field; however, it will not be possible to edit its members. Only approval responsibility routes will be available for selection.

Approval type1

Displays the approval type (Incremental or Circular), and it is possible to edit it.


Displays a number indicating the approval cycle that the step is going through. Each time the step is rejected and goes through approval again, the system assigns a number to it. Select the previous cycles to view the members of the responsibility route that performed the approval.




Wait for all members approval1

The step will go to the next approval step after all route members release their tasks.

The step will go to the next approval step as soon as a member of the current step releases the task.

1 - Filled out by the system according to the configuration performed when creating the route, and it is possible to edit it.


By adding a new responsible in a route associated with the approval of the planning/critical analysis/closure, this inclusion will not be replicated to the route record made through the Configuration arrowrgray Responsibility route menu.


If the survey is being edited in the execution step, even if the survey has planning approval configured in its type, the "Planning" sub-section will not be displayed.

The members of the routes of the Planning, Critical analysis, and Closure sections will receive, respectively, the following tasks: Survey planning approval, Survey critical analysis approval and Survey closure approval.



In this section, it is possible to associate the documentation related to the survey.

Attachment: It will be possible to add, delete, download, and view the attachments related to the survey. For further details on how to add attachments to the record, see the Adding attachments section.

Document: If the SE Document component is part of the solutions acquired by your company, it will be possible to add, delete, download, and view the electronic file and the data of the documents related to the survey. Refer to the Adding documents section for further details on how to add and/or associate documents from SE Document.



Click on this option to view how the survey will be displayed to the respondents when answering it.



Click on the arrow located below it and select the corresponding option to generate a blank survey report, configure new reports and even view the parameters that may be used to configure new reports.



If in the type that classifies this survey it is configured that its revision will be "ISO9000 based" or "Workflow", this option will only be available for the revision activity drafters or executors with permission to edit it.


1.Click on this option to import the structure (sections, questions, answers, introduction, and thank you) exported from another survey/template to the survey in question.

2.On the panel that will be displayed, drag and drop the files on the indicated area or click on the Select file button, browse through the files saved in the computer and select the desired one. Wait until the file is completely loaded.

3.If any error happens, the system will display an alert icon. Hover the mouse over the icon to view the error message.

4.Then, click on the Finish button. At this point, the imported structure will be displayed in the section.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking on the import button on the main screen toolbar.



Click on this option to export the structure of the survey (sections, questions, answers, introduction and thank you). Thus, it is possible to import it to another survey.

Note: This operation can also be performed by clicking on the export button on the main screen toolbar.


After performing all the necessary configurations, use the Save or Save and exit options.

If the survey that is being edited has been edited in the planning step, use the Save and next step button to close this step and send the survey to the next configured step. See further details in the Finishing planning section.

If the survey is being edited during its addition in the execution step, use the Enable answers button for the survey to be made available for the respondents or the responsible team for completing, through the Execution arrowrgray Survey response menu. Confirm the request made by the system to effectively perform this operation.