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Use this view to make a comparison between the number of estimated and actual working days of each occurrence step.


Specific buttons:


Click on this button to search for occurrences that have already been created in the system. To locate a specific occurrence, use the search filters described below and click on the button after that. The automatic search can be configured in the general parameters.


Click on this button to clear the values entered in the search filters.


Click on this button to display/hide the search filters.

bt_visualizar dados

Click on this button to view the data of the occurrence selected in the list of records.


Use the filters described below to locate the desired records through specific information:




The result will be displayed on the right side of the screen, divided in the following tabs.


Allows viewing the records returned by the search. Use the list of records to view a comparison between the estimated and the actual in the steps through which the listed occurrences have gone through.


Displays the occurrences and their actions, retrieved by the search, sorted in panels, divided by status (occurrence) and by the occurrence treatment step (actions) in which they are found. Their information is displayed totaled by: quantity, estimated cost, actual cost, difference between the actual and estimated costs, and the percentage of the difference between the estimated and the actual costs.