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Approving an action

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To approve containment/disposition, investigation, action plan or standardization actions planned for an occurrence, first, select the occurrence on the main screen list of records.


After that, click on the bt_executar_pend button on the toolbar.


At this point, the occurrence data screen will be displayed. The fields will be filled out with the data entered during its identification and other treatment steps it may have gone through. The fields in the "Occurrence identification" section may be available for editing according to the configurations performed in the occurrence classification. According to the configurations set in the occurrence classification, it will be possible to view, edit, or add data in the Association and Attachment tabs.


In the General tab, access the sections that corresponds to the treatment step whose actions will have their planning approved. In the Approval section, the following fields are available:






Select the "Yes" option to approve or the "No" option to reject the action planning.


Record comments on the approval of the action. If it is rejected, use this field to enter a reason.


Displays the sequence of approvers of the responsibility route through the occurrence. If the action planning has been previously rejected and is going through a new approval, its approval cycles are displayed.


After filling out all the necessary fields, save the record:

If the action planning is approved, the actions will be released for the next step defined in the method associated with the classification of the occurrence to which they belong.

If the action planning is rejected, the record will return to the Planning step, so that the responsible party can perform the necessary adjustments.