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Location: Execution arrowrgray Standardization arrowrgray Approval



Performed planning of the standardization actions.


Document (SE Document)

Process (SE Process)

Item (SE PDM)

Audit (SE Audit)

Workflow (SE Workflow)

Indicator (SE Performance)

Attachment type



This menu displays the occurrences with planned standardization actions and that must go through approval, according to the configurations performed in the method associated with the classification. The responsible party needs to verify whether the proposed plan can maintain the reached results.


Specific buttons:


Click on this button to approve the standardization actions of the occurrence selected in the list of records. Refer to the Approving an action section for further details on how to fill in the fields.


Click on this button to issue a report with the data of the occurrence selected in the list of records. The information that will be displayed in the report may be predefined in the classification of the occurrence in question.


Click on this button to issue a customized report with the data of the occurrence selected in the list of records.


Click on this button to search for the occurrences whose standardization actions will be approved. This button will only be displayed if the search filters are displayed.


Click on this button to clear the information entered in the search filters located on the left side of the main screen. This button will only be displayed if the search filters are displayed.


Click on this button to display/hide the search filters located on the left side on the main screen. Use them to easily find the records through specific information.


The user responsible for the approval may also perform this operation through the Standardization action approval task.