When configuring the External user portal, it is necessary to add the elements with the information that may be viewed and with the operations that the external users may perform.
To configure a portal, within the category, select the card of the desired portal, click on the "Edit" option and, on the screen that will be displayed, click on the "Configure portal" button.
Once done, click on the "+ Element" button. At this point, a side panel with the available elements will be displayed, separated by components. Use the Search field in the upper part of the panel to easily locate the desired element:
To add an element to the External user portal, simply drag it and drop it in the desired location of the indicated area. The elements available in the External user portal are:
This element allows creating informative notes to be displayed for external users. After dragging it to the desired area, click on the respective link to edit its content. On the screen that will be opened, enter a title for the note and the desired content. The content editor offers the user a WYSIWYG editing area (acronym for "what you see is what you get") for text formatting. The following buttons are available:

Through this button, it is possible to define the titles, paragraphs and block quotations in the article.
▪Heading (h): The title or heading elements have levels that go from h1 to h6. These levels give structure and hierarchy to the information of your article. ▪Blockquote: This element allows highlighting a large part of the text, whether to make a citation or to emphasize part of the content. ▪Paragraph (p): This element allows defining the paragraphs of the article. |
Allow formatting the text that will be added or that is selected with bold (B), underline (U), italic (I).
Allows removing any text formatting without losing the selected content.
Allows defining the font of the text that will be added or that is selected.
Allows defining the font color and the background color of the text that will be added or that is selected.
Bulleted lists are used for information groups or sets.
Numbered lists are used to display steps of an operation.
Allows defining the alignment of the text of the paragraph.
Allows adding a table to the article.
Allows adding a link to the article. By clicking on this button, the system displays a screen to enter the link URL and the text to be displayed for the link. It is also possible to configure whether the link will be opened in a new window when clicked.
Allows adding an image to the article. By clicking on this button, the system displays a screen to select the image from the files in your computer or from a URL. During viewing, if the article has two or more images, by clicking on one of them, the image carousel screen will be displayed, allowing the user to browse the images of the article.
After performing the necessary configurations, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
Use the Cancel option to close the editing of the notepad without saving the changes made. Thus, all entered data will be lost.
External links
This element allows creating a card with links for quick access by the external user. After dragging it to the desired area, click on the respective link to edit its content.
On the screen that will be opened, define a title for the element and if the links will be displayed in the card as a grid or a list. Then, enter a title for the link and the URL to access it. Click on the Add button if you wish to enter another link. Repeat this procedure until all desired links are configured in the element. After performing the necessary configurations, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
Use the Cancel option to close the editing of the element without saving the changes made. Thus, all entered data will be lost.
For visions to be added to this portal, it is necessary to edit the Analysis through the Analytics File Record (AN003) menu, and check the "Allow viewing by all external users" option. Note: Only analysis visions with this option checked will be available to be added to the external user portal.
This element allows the external user to access articles from the knowledge bases created in the SE Knowledge Base component. After dragging it to the desired area, the element will display the articles that have the "View article" control enabled for the "All" access, divided in the bases to which they are related.
To edit the element configurations, use the button on the upper right side of the element.
On the side panel that will be displayed, enter a title for the element. Configure also the following fields as desired:
Use only one knowledge base
Only the articles from a certain knowledge base will be displayed in the element.
In this case, in the Knowledge base list field, enter the name of the desired base and click on the corresponding option in the listing.
To restrict the articles in the base that will be displayed, in the Category list field, enter the name of the desired category and click on the corresponding option in the listing.
The widget will display the articles that have the "View article" control enabled for the "All" access, divided in the bases created in the system to which they are related.
Quick search
The field to search by keywords will be displayed in the element.
The respective option will not be displayed in the element.
Category/Knowledge base filter
The element will display the field that allows selecting whether the articles will be displayed grouped by categories or knowledge bases.
Most viewed
The grouper with the most viewed articles will be displayed in the element.
Category/Knowledge base list
The groupers that represent the knowledge bases and their respective articles will not be displayed in the element.
After performing the necessary configurations, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
Incident tracking
This widget lists the enabled activities of instances in which the external user is the starter or requester and it also allows the external user to execute activities that are assigned to them (starter or requester).
Report incidents
This element allows the external user to report specific incidents. After dragging it to the desired area, click on the respective link to edit its content. On the side panel of the screen that will be opened, define a title for the element and if the incidents will be displayed in the card as a grid or a list. In the Incident type field, select all incident types the external user will be able to report. After performing the necessary configurations, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
Use the Cancel option to close the editing of the element without saving the changes made. Thus, all entered data will be lost.
▪For the external user to successfully report incidents, it is necessary for the process to be duly configured for usage by an external user and for its security to be "Public". ▪Some process resources will not be available for the external user, such as: responsive form, access to the process flowchart, delegate activity, security, associations etc. |
Action execution
This element allows the external user to execute actions from the SE Action Plan component. In this case, when the external user accesses the External user portal, all actions with which they are associated as responsible for (Who field on the action data screen) will be displayed for them. Thus, the content of this element will not be available for the configurator.
Problem tracking
This element displays the problems in progress that were opened by the external user, in which they are the requester, or even problems of the company that has this external user as the contact.
Report problems
This element allows the external user to record specific problems. After dragging it to the desired area, click on the respective link to edit its content. On the side panel of the screen that will be opened, define a title for the element and if the problems will be displayed in the card as a grid or a list. In the Problem type field, select all problem types the external user will be able to record. After performing the necessary configurations, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
Use the Cancel option to close the editing of the element without saving the changes made. Thus, all entered data will be lost.
▪For the external user to successfully record problems, it is necessary for the process to be duly configured for usage by an external user and for its security to be "Public". ▪Some process resources will not be available for the external user, such as: responsive form, access to the process flowchart, delegate activity, security, associations etc. |
Available courses
This element displays the courses in which the external user can enroll for on-line training. This widget will only display the courses that have the "Make course available for online training" option enabled in the E-learning section of its data screen and that are applicable to the logged external user.
Training enrollment
This element displays the trainings with public enrollment in which the external user can enroll and the ones in which the user has already enrolled. Note that the training presented will be those that did not have their execution started.
Training participation
This element displays all trainings performed by the external user.
Training in progress
This element displays the training in which the user is a participant and that is under execution. Both the trainings in which the participant has enrolled in the widgets will be presented, and those in which they were enrolled by other users.
This element displays the acknowledgment paths that the user can enroll to have online training. This widget will only display the paths that have the "Make path available for online training" option enabled in the E-learning section of its data screen and that are applicable to the logged external user.
Activity tracking
This element displays the workflow activities in progress that were opened by the external user, in which they are the starter, or even workflows of the company that has this external user as the contact.
Start workflows
This element allows the external user to start certain workflows. After dragging it to the desired area, click on the respective link to edit its content. On the side panel of the screen that will be opened, define a title for the element, if the workflows will be displayed in the card as a grid or a list, and which of these workflows will be displayed:
▪Process model: The external user may start workflows of a specific process (SE Process). In the respective field right below, select the desired process. ▪Workflow type: The external user may start workflows of a certain type. In the Process field right below, select all desired workflow types. After performing the necessary configurations, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
Use the Cancel option to close the editing of the element without saving the changes made. Thus, all entered data will be lost.
▪For the external user to successfully start workflows, it is necessary for the process to be duly configured for usage by an external user and for its security to be "Public". ▪Some process resources will not be available for the external user, such as: responsive form, access to the process flowchart, delegate activity, security, associations etc. |
When hovering the mouse over the card of an added element, the following buttons may be displayed:

Click on this button to copy the element. Thus, it will be possible to create a new element from the copy of an existing element.

It indicates that the element cannot be viewed in the mobile version of the External user portal.

Click on this button to edit the content of the "Notepad" element.

Click on this button to edit the content of the element.

Click on this button to eliminate the element from the External user portal. To successfully perform this operation, it is necessary to confirm the request made by the system.
It is important to point out that if a portal is going through maintenance or is shared as a Public category, it is possible to leave it disabled until it is finished through the enable and disable card button.