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In the Status tab, it is possible to check the availability of the search service, as well as to view information on the performed indexings: how many records and files have been indexed and the report of the latest indexings.


Search service

The search service displays different colors and messages according to the health of the search engine. See below the possible statuses related to the engine health:





Indicates that both Elasticsearch and Atlas are working and there are no index issues. However, it does not necessarily mean that the environment is fully indexed.


Indicates that Atlas cannot connect to Elasticsearch. There may be an Elasticsearch configuration or unavailability issue.


Indicates that there are replicas configured for Elasticsearch, but they are not allocated correctly in their nodes. The Elasticsearch service displays this status when a replica shard is in the same node as the main shard.


Indicates that SE Suite cannot communicate with the Atlas service. There may be an Atlas configuration or unavailability issue.


In an on-premise environment, with Elasticsearch being managed by the suite (automanaged), it is possible to perform actions such as restarting and configuring the Elasticsearch memory from the Status tab; this option is also valid to reupload the search service if it is not responding.



What is it for?

For Elasticsearch to work correctly, its indexes must have been created; with the indexing process, the engine indexes all files within its scope, creating the indexes.


How long can it take?

The indexing duration is directly linked to the number of records and files to be indexed, and it may take days in some cases.


Which file extensions can be indexed?

Only the txt, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, eml, odt, ods, ppt, pptx, xml, rtf, and odp extensions can be indexed.


What is the maximum size of files to be indexed?

The maximum size of a single file to be indexed is 30 MegaBytes.


The options that allow manually starting the indexing process are available, but they should only be used in extreme cases and under SoftExpert's guidance.