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Intermediate archiving

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Intermediate archiving

Who is notified:

Responsible users for archiving, specified in the record retention schedule associated with the category of the document that will be archived.


The receiving of intermediate document is approved. If the "Automatically send document to the archiving task after saving it in the system" option is checked in the general parameters and the document is being sent to the first archiving step, this task will be generated and it will not be necessary to issue and receive the transfer form.


Keep a registered document archived in Intermediate step.


How to execute this task:



In the list of pending records, select the document that will be archived in the "Intermediate" step. It is possible to archive more than one document at a time, in the respective step. To do so, use SHIFT or CTRL keys or check next to each record.



1_auxnmbAfter that, click on the default button on the toolbar.



At this point, the archiving screen will open. The following fields are available:



Displays the name of the user who is performing the archiving.


Displays the name of the department of the user who is performing the archiving.


This field will only be displayed if, in the record retention schedule associated with the category of the document being archived, the "Archiving date" option is checked in the Retention period start date field. In this case, select the actual date on which the archiving was performed. Thus, the system will count the retention period of the document from this date onwards.

Storeroom path (Default)

Fill out this field if all documents displayed in the list of records at the bottom of the screen will be archived in the same repository. In this case, in the storage place structure that will be displayed, select the desired repository. If the "Restrict department to access physical record" option is checked in the Configuration menu arrowrgray General parameters arrowrgray Physical file tab, only the repositories that belong to the same department of the logged user will be displayed in the structure of storage places. See in the button list below how to define a specific repository for each document.

Document (Barcode)

Fill out this field to add documents that must be archived to the list of records in the bottom of the screen. In this case, enter the ID # or barcode of the desired document and click on the "Add" button next to the field. Repeat the procedure to add as many documents as necessary. The barcode of a document is generated in the SE Document component through the "Documents label" report.


In the list of records at the bottom of the screen, the data of the documents being archived and where they will be stored are displayed. On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:


Click on this button for the document selected in the list of records to be archived in a specific repository. In this case, in the storage place structure that will be displayed, select the desired repository. If, in Storeroom path, a default repository has already been selected, this button allows editing the repository in which a specific listed document will be stored. The document may already have the repository in which it will be archived defined if it belongs to a category associated with a repository through the automatic addressing resource, but it is possible to edit this definition.


Click on this button to delete the selected document from the archiving list.


Click on this button to view the data screen of the document selected in the list of records. View the specific documentation of the SE Document component for further details on the data screen of a document.



Save the record after filling out the fields. At this point, the system will issue an alert stating that when archiving the document it is not possible to return it to the previous step and if you wish to confirm the operation. Choose the desired option:

Cancel: The document is not archived and remains pending.

OK: The system will question whether you wish to view the report for printing. Choose the desired option:

OK: The document will be stored in the Intermediate step and a report with labels, which can be printed, will be displayed to identify the documents in the repository.

Cancel: The documents will be stored in the Intermediate step for the period configured within the retention deadline and the label report will not be displayed.


When a document retention deadline expires in the Intermediate step, the system generates a transfer form to be issued for the next archiving step that is configured in the record retention schedule associated with its category.