Location: View Document
Through this menu, it is possible to view the documents saved in the system. When viewing documents, the way they are displayed in the search results to the logged user will depend on the configuration performed in the general parameters, and the operations the user will be able to perform in the document will depend on the permissions granted in the security of the document and its category. Through the field located in the upper right part of this menu, it is possible to alter the document search view between:
Shows all the main information of documents.
This option will only be enabled if the document selected in the list of records is associated with other documents in the "Composed of" section of its data screen. It shows the main information of the documents that make up the structure of the document selected in the list of records.
This option will only be enabled if the document selected in the list of records has complex electronic files. It shows information regarding container structure and the files associated in each folder.
Specific Buttons:

Click on the arrow placed next to this button and select the desired option to:
▪View the electronic file of the document selected in the list of records through the viewer configured in the general parameters. ▪View the electronic file of the document selected in the list of records with markups (comments). ▪View the electronic file of the document selected in the list of records through Google Drive API. The "View electronic file on Google Drive" option will only be available if, in the general parameters, the integration with Google Drive is enabled and properly configured. ▪View the electronic file of the document selected in the list of records through OneDrive API. The "View electronic file on OneDrive" option will only be available if, in the general parameters, the integration with Microsoft OneDrive is enabled and properly configured. ▪View the data of the digital signature of the document selected in the list of records. |

Click on the arrow located next to this button and select the desired option to view the data screen of the selected document or the data of its revision.

Click on this button to load SE Analytics, so that the result obtained in the search can be analyzed.

Click on the arrow located next to this button to set up and issue the batch reports of desired documents. This button also allows exporting the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configuring a new report or associating an existing report, or searching for the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.

Click on this button to download the electronic files or the complementary documents, if any, of the selected document.

Click on this button to insert graphical comments in the electronic file of the document that is selected.

▪Download electronic file: Click on this option to download the electronic file of the document selected in the list of records. In order to successfully perform this operation it is necessary to have the "Save locally" control enabled in the security of the document that is being revised. If the type of file configured in the category of the selected document is "Complex", by clicking on this button, the container folder structure will also be exported. ▪Download Windows Application: Click on this option to download the desktop application installer. To install the app, simply double-click on the installer and follow the steps of the assistant that will be displayed. See more information about the application in the SoftExpert Document App section. |

Click on this button to add text comments in the electronic file of the document that has been selected.

Click on this button to perform the external sharing of the electronic files of the document selected in the list of records. Refer to the External sharing section for further information on how to fill out the screen that will open.

Click on this button to view the flowchart of the process that controls the revision of the document. It will only be enabled if the document has the "Revision" control parameterized in its category and the revision process is via "Workflow".

Click on this button to compare the current revision of a document selected in the list of records, to its prior revision. It will only be enabled if the document has the "Revision" control parameterized in its category. View the Comparing revisions section for more details about the file extensions for which this operation is available and how to do it.

Click on this button to edit the layout of the main screen to three quadrants. When selecting this option, the third quadrant will display the details about the document selected in the list of records in the second quadrant.

Click on this button to edit the layout of the main screen to two quadrants.
Use the following filters to find the records you wish by using specific information. To use them, go to the Search filters panel and click on the button to add filters.
▪Use the Quick search field of the Search field panel, to search for the desired document by means of words contained in the title, description and/or content of each electronic file. ▪For further details about the 'Search panel' and other view operations, refer to the Views section. |
Check the Only favorites option so that in the view, only documents classified as favorites are displayed. For more information, refer to the Search Filters View favorite records section.
Click on the Add attribute button and select the attribute associated with the category of the document you wish to search, the operator and a value for it. To add more than one attribute to this filter, use the Add attribute option in the bottom of the panel and repeat the procedure described previously. After adding the desired attributes, click on the Apply button.
Use the fields of this filter to locate the desired document, through its ID # and/or title/summary.
Document status: Expand the list of options and check the possible status in which the document you wish to view is found. If parameterized, some statuses will come already checked; however, it will be possible to uncheck them. Use the other buttons to check all available statuses and clear the markups performed.
Author: Enter the document author name that you wish to search.
File name: Enter the electronic file name of the document you wish to search.
Record user: Select the responsible for the document you wish to search. Use the other buttons on the side of the field to fill it with the logged user data or clear it.
Station: Select the station responsible for the copies of the document you wish to view.
Access control: Use the information in the security list of the desired document that you wish to locate. To do that, in the corresponding field, check the desired permission and select the user, position, department and team that belong to the security list.
Document period: In the Last day(s) field enter the number of days prior to the last revision date of the document you wish to search. If you wish, use the Start and End fields to select the date range that covers the date on which the desired document was revised one last time.
Record period: In the Last __ day(s) field enter the number of days prior to the current date that covers the date of creation of the document you wish to search. If you prefer, use the Start and End fields to select the date ranges that cover the date on which the document you wish was created.
Validity: In the Next __ day(s) field enter the number of days before the current date, covering the document validity date that you wish to search. If you wish, use the Start and End fields to select the date range that covers the validity period of the document you wish to search.
Validity status: Expand the list and check the options corresponding to the status of the document regarding its validity.
Digital signature: Expand the list and select the corresponding option to display the signed documents in the search results or those yet to be signed.
Structure: In the Where used field, select a document whose structure contains the document you wish to view. In the Composed of field, select a document that is part of the structure of the document you wish to view.
In the field displayed in this filter, type the name of the keyword and press Enter on the keyboard, or use the button and select the keyword related to the document you wish to see. Add as many as necessary.
As they are added, they will be displayed in the area just below the field. To remove a keyword from the filter, hover over it and click on the Close option. To remove every keyword from the filter, click on the button, located next to the Keyword field.
At the bottom of the filter, select the AND option so that all words are considered as filters or the OR option so that at least one of the words is used as a filter.
Revision period: In the Last __ day(s) field enter the number of days prior to the current date that covers the release date of the current revision of the document you wish to search. It is also possible to use the Start and End fields to select the date range that covers the release date of the document current revision that you wish to search.
Use the fields in this filter to locate the desired document through the project (SE Project) to which it was associated. To do that, select the desired project or enter its ID # and/or name.
Use the fields in this filter to locate the desired document through the project task (SE Project) to which it was associated. To do that, enter the ID # and/or name of the desired task.
Use the fields in this filter to locate the desired document through the nonproject task (SE Time Control) to which it was associated. To do that, enter the ID # and/or name of the desired task.
Use the fields in this filter to locate the desired document by using the workflow (SE Workflow) to which it was associated. To do that, enter the ID # and/or title of the desired workflow.
After you complete the necessary filters, click on the SEARCH button on the Search filters panel or press ENTER on the keyboard to perform the search. The result will be displayed on the right side of the view screen.