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Location: View Batch



By means of this menu, it is possible to view the capture batches created through SE Capture, regardless of the step in which they are found. When you view batches, you need to take into consideration that certain batches will only be displayed in the view result or the logged-on user can only view its data, according to the permissions granted for them in the configuration of the capture to which the batches belong.


Specific Buttons:

Click on this button to view the capture batch data or click on the arrow next to it to view the document data. Note that the option to view the document data will only be enabled if in the Display filter is selected the "Documents from the batch" option.

Click on this button to load SE Analytics, so that the result obtained in the search can be analyzed.

Click on the arrow located next to this button to set up and issue the batch reports of desired documents. This button also allows exporting the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configuring a new report or associating an existing report, or searching for the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.


Use the following filters to find the records you wish by using specific information. To use them, go to the Search filters panel and click on the button to add filters.


Use the Quick search field of the Search field panel, to search for the desired document by means of words contained in the title, description and/or content of each electronic file.

For further details about the "Search panel" and other view operations, refer to the Views section.




After entering the necessary filters, click on the SEARCH button on the Search filters panel to search or press the ENTER key on the keyboard. The result will be displayed on the right side of the view screen.

Through the "S" column of the record list, it is possible to identify the capture step in which the batches displayed in the search result are found.